Autonomous Vehicle Perception
In the Intelligent Vehicle Systems research group, we design the vehicle of the future using intelligent algorithms and methods. We are involved in numerous projects in which modern methods of artificial intelligence for autonomous vehicles are investigated and further developed. Our specially developed software for autonomous vehicles is used in larger projects such as Roborace or the Indy Autonomous Challenge.
In these projects, we are researching current problem areas in the fields of perception, prediction and planning. By paying special attention to complex scenarios, such as driving dynamic limits, unstructured environments or problems from the field of ethics, we expand the state of science. We publish our research results at numerous conferences and in journals, while our software is made publicly available on Github.
Development of a real-time model-based controller for the lateral dynamics of motorcycles
Contact: Francesco Passigato, M. Sc.
Towards an Accountability Framework for AI Systems: The Autonomous Vehicle Use Case
Contact: Rainer Trauth, M. Sc.
Sim-to-Real – Bridging the Reality Gap for AV Perception
Contact: Sebastian Huch, M. Sc.
ANDRE - Autonomous Driving Ethics
Project completed – Contact: info.ftm(at)
Autonomous RC Cars
Contact: info.ftm(at)
Estimation and Prediction of the tire-road friction potential of an autonomous racecar
Project Completed - Contact: ftm(at)
Autonomous Vehicle Perception: Sensor Fusion based on Structured Learning Methods
Project Completed - Contact: ftm(at)
Development of a methodology to support strategy decisions in motorsports
Project Completed - Contact: ftm(at)
Optimum chassis dynamics for fully automated driving
Project completed- Contact: ftm(at)
Objectification and influence analysis of the soft brake in the motorcycle
Project Completed-Contact: ftm(at)