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Estimation and Prediction of the Dynamical Potential of Autonomous Vehicles
Contact: Sven Goblirsch, M.Sc.
Project Description
The interest in autonomous driving is currently increasing. To employ fully automated driving also edge cases must be considered. These contain for instance the execution of evasive and emergency braking maneuvers. Further, driving on wet or icy roads should be possible and thus the reduced dynamical potential must be recognized and quantified. However, knowledge about the road condition can in most cases only be obtained during the intervention of control systems as ABS and ESP.
The goal of this research project is to estimate the existing dynamical potential of autonomous vehicles and predict changes in the future. Therefore, different cause- and effect-based friction estimation approaches should be applied and combined. Furthermore, the present uncertainties should be quantified.
The following steps are defined to estimate and predict the dynamical potential of autonomous vehicles:
- Estimation of the current maximum friction potential
- Prediction of changes in the future based on camera images
- Quantification of uncertainties