News & Events

Martin Margreiter at the 27th World Road Congress

This week the 27th World Road Congress takes place in Prague, Czech Republic under the theme “Together on the road again”.

Our colleague Martin Margreiter is presenting three research papers at the congress:

  • Wednesday, October 4th 14:30 @Technical Session 2.1 “Mobility in Urban Areas”: Paper #0287: Martin Margreiter, Alexander Kutsch, Klaus Bogenberger: “The Munich Large-Scale Drone Data Set Containing Pedestrian, Cyclist, Manually Driven and Automated Vehicle Trajectories”
  • Thursday, October 5th 14:30 @ Technical Session 2.3 “Freight”: Paper #0308: Martin Margreiter, Mario Ilic, Abhay Joshi, Klaus Bogenberger: “A Self-Driving Cycle Rickshaw for Autonomous Urban Passenger and Freight Transport”
  • Friday, October 6th 09:15 @ Session 23 “Application of Emerging Technologies in Freight and Transport and Logistics”: Paper #0260: Fabian Fehn, Roman Engelhardt, Martin Margreiter, Klaus Bogenberger: “Ride-Parcel-Pooling: Integration of Urban Passenger and Freight Transport“

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