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3rd Consortium of EU Horizon project PHOEBE held in Athens

The third PHOEBE (Predictive Approaches for Safer Urban Environment) consortium meeting was held in Athens from 21st June 2023 to 23rd June 2023. The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA) organised the event. Apart from the meetings and discussions, the event also included a walking tour and an inspection of the pilot city of Athens's earmarked sites (the Great Walk). Representatives from all 11 project partners were present in the consortium.

Technical University of Munich (TUM) had three representations from the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering (TSE) to the consortium, including Univ.-Prof Dr Constantinos Antoniou (head of the chair), Dr.-Ing Christelle Al Haddad (post-doctoral researcher) and Mr Arunava Putatunda (doctoral researcher). The representation presented a draft of the complete cycle of the project methodology with mode choice and socio-economic analysis processes in detail. The data and other requirements were also delineated and discussed with the other project partners. The meeting provided valuable input in developing the overall methodology of the project and setting up detailed project plans. The 4th PHOEBE consortium will occur in Munich between 13th December 2023 and 14th December 2023.