Public Colloquium of TUM and MVG in the summer term 2022
The public colloquium, which is organised in cooperation between the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Münchner Stadtwerke (SWM/MVG), offers public events on a predefined main topic each semester. In the summer semester of 2022, the topic was "What future for mobility? Three experts were invited to give keynote speeches, which were followed by an open discussion.
On the first date, Tue 24.05.2022, Gesa Volpers (Project Manager Networked Mobility, MVV - Munich Transport and Tariff Association) spoke about the MVV's path to becoming a transport and mobility association. As people's mobility changes, the MVV must also change. In addition to a spatial expansion, the offer will also be adapted accordingly.
Chris Lichtmannecker (Business Development Europe, Mobileye) gave a presentation on "Driverless Vehicles and Mobility-as-a-Service" on the second date, Tue 28.06.2022. He spoke about the key challenges and how they are being met by three different "disruptive forces": the electric, the digital and the mobile transformation.
On the third and last date, Tue 12.07.2022, Frank Bruns (Team Leader Transport Economics and Finance, EBP) presented the topic "Transport of the Future: Opportunities and Risks for Traditional Public Transport". He outlined the role of automated vehicles in the transport transition and the possible further development of public transport services into multimodal mobility services.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the speakers, the audience and our partners from Stadtwerke München (SWM) and our colleagues from the TUM Chair of Spatial Development.
We look forward to a new round of the TUM and MVG public colloquium in the winter semester 2022 / 2023.