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FRU Förderpreis 2024

Exciting news to kick off the week: We're thrilled to announce that our esteemed colleagues Jonas Horlemann, Mathias Heidinger and Fabian Wenner have been awarded the "FRU Förderpreis 2024 (2. Preis)".

The FRU sponsorship prize is awarded by the "Förderkreis für Raum- und Umweltforschung" for scientific work that makes progress in the field of spatial and environmental research and is significant for research or practical application. In their contribution, Horlemann et al. developed and tested a novel framework for the analysis and assessment of transport projects in city regions. Their approach combines backcasting, push and pull measures, and cost-effectiveness analysis in a coherent framework for city regions.

Heartfelt congratulations on this well-deserved recognition of your dedication and ingenuity! 🌟

Find out more about Jonas


Photo credits: ARL/Dario Eidens-Holl