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💡🚦What an awesome project final! 🥝

Last week, we celebrated the successful completion of the KIVI project (Artificial Intelligence in Ingolstadt's Transportation System). Running for almost four years and funded by the BMDV, the aim of the project was to optimize traffic control and improve traffic safety for all road users (pedestrians, bicyclists, public transport, and motorized vehicles) using artificial intelligence. As an experimental site, a high-definition test field in Ingolstadt was set up.

After engaging opening speeches from Ulrike Wittman-Brand, City Planning Officer of Ingolstadt, Prof. Walter Schober, President of THI, and Prof. Klaus Bogenberger, we got fantastic insides into the innovative ideas and approaches developed by the project partners. 🥝

From the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control, our colleagues Natalie Steinmetz and Alexander Kutsch presented optimized multimodal microscopic traffic simulations in SUMO and traffic data collection using drones.

In the afternoon, keynote speeches from Automatum Data GmbH, Fryce GmbH, the Zentralstelle Verkehrsmanagement and Perpetuum Progress GmbH gave great insights into future mobility applications using AI in traffic. The event wrapped up with five showcases to demonstrate and test the project results in practice.

We would like to thank all the 🥝 consortium and the participants for the exchange and the fantastic collaboration within the project. The biggest thanks go to Lisa Kessler and Nicole Hinterberger for organizing and coordinating this great and successful event. Looking forward to continuing research in traffic together! 🚲🚦