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MCube: Future Mobility Camp

Munich has set itself ambitious goals. The city aims to become a European pioneer in sustainable mobility innovations in the coming years, and just like Amsterdam, Paris, or Barcelona, to be globally recognized for its own vision of the mobility transition.

The Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions (MCube), a future-oriented cluster based at the Technical University of Munich with over 50 partners, uses the unique geographic concentration of innovation actors in the mobility sector as a "learning region" to develop scalable solutions with model character for metropolitan regions in Germany and worldwide over the next nine years.

The long-term cluster has the potential to actively shape the mobility transition, both within and beyond the region. Building on existing cross-technology, cross-disciplinary, and cross-sector collaborations, MCube brings together key actors from science, industry, and society to realize leapfrog innovations with significant economic impact and high solution potential for global challenges.

The MCube Future Mobility Camp was held on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at the Munich Urban Colab, with the aim of preparing new topics for the next funding phase of the #Clusters4Future funding program of the Federal Government. Mobility Commissioner Georg Dunkel welcomed the participants of the "MCube Future Mobility Camp." MCube is an innovation network for mobility in metropolitan regions funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, coordinated by the Technical University of Munich. The City of Munich is a member of the Supervisory Board and an active consortium partner in the network. Representatives from science, industry, and civil society began preparing for the second funding phase, which is scheduled to run from 2024 to 2027.

The Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning was on site and played a driving role in the event. We are excited to see what new projects will soon be presented.

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