News & Events

M Cube Kick-off!

What an exciting M Cube Kick-off! Over 100 participants in the 2-day meeting! Despite the virtual format, we could see a lot of engagement from different mobility players in the region, which reinforced the vision for sustainable and transformative mobility innovations and gathered a lot of energy and motivation for the upcoming 3 years of the cluster.

The Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions aims to use the unique geographical concentration of innovation actors in the mobility sector in the Munich region as a "learning region" to develop scalable solutions with model character for metropolitan regions in Germany and worldwide. It is committed to sustainable, efficient and socially fair mobility, with the aim of realizing leap innovations with great economic impact and high solution potential for global challenges.

So many exciting projects, including those involving the team at the Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning:

Stay in touch for more information about our innovative research projects and further cluster activities: