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MCube Speaker Series: "Future of Mobility - Feministic Mobility Transition" on Thursday, 09.03.2023

Together with MCube - Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions and the Hans Sauer Foundation, we wanted to explore how mobility can be transformed into a feminist and equitable system - and our speakers did it.

On Thursday, 09.03.2023, the next event in the MCube Speaker Series "Future of Mobility" took place as part of the Hans Sauer Foundation's mobility conference "Es bewegt sich was". Various speakers gave talks on the topic of "Feminist Mobility Turnaround" and gathered together on stage at the end to answer questions from the audience:

Lena Osswald from mobilivers emphasized the importance of chain mobility through care work and how small measures can have just as much impact as large ones, and questioned how to achieve participation with scarce.

Katharina Horn from BUND | Radentscheid München talked about fair distribution of cities, feminist urban planning and gender mainstreaming, citing the example of Eva Kail in Vienna and inclusive city planning.

Franziska Meinherz from TU Munich, MCube and city councilor in Lausanne for Ensemble à Gauche discussed how the car can be seen as both a feeling of freedom and a burden, and how adopting an intersectional feminist perspective can transform mobility from being accessible only to a few to being accessible to all. She also touched on the importance of self-empowerment in taking up space, and how mobility should be designed for all, from ages 5 to 105, with low-tech solutions such as parent taxis.

Thank you to the hosts Oliver May-BeckmannBarbara Lersch and the moderator Suzan Çakar!

It was inspiring to see such a diverse range of ideas and perspectives on the future of mobility, and it reaffirmed my belief that a feminist mobility revolution is not only necessary but also achievable. 


All pictures by Luca Scotellaro, openLAB Urban Mobility