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The mobil.TUM 2019 award by ITS Bavaria was shared between two papers!

The mobil.TUM 2019 award by ITS Bavaria was awarded today and shared by two papers.

Congratulations Sergio F. A. Batista, Deepak Ingole, Ludovic Leclercq, Monica Menendez on the paper "The role of trip lengths in control strategies and Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram traffic models" and Jonas Hatzenbühler, Erik Jenelius, Oded Cats on "Impacts of autonomous vehicle deployment on demand for line-based public transport services".  

Two other excellent papers were finalists. Congratulations Roman Engelhardt, Florian Dandl, Aledia Bilali, and  Klaus Bogenberger on "Quantifying the Benefits of Autonomous On-Demand Ride-pooling: A Simulation Study in Munich, Germany" and  David Duran, Gebhard Wulfhorst on "Public opinion on the future of bike-sharing systems- a social media analysis".