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Open PhD and PostDoc Positions in the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering

The Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering (TSE) has two open positions. Details and conditions of the positions can be found through the following links: PhD position, PostDoc position.

The PhD position is focused on the M Cube Project: City worth living in. The position is part of the M Cube Cluster , which is funded by the Clusters4Future initiative of the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)  . Numerous innovation projects (see project list ) are being carried out within this cluster, initially in the 2021-2024 timeframe. This position will mainly deal with the project of the liveable city. In this project, you work alongside colleagues from the chair, together with the chairs for urban design, traffic engineering, vehicle technology, and settlement structure and traffic planning, as well as with actors from business (e.g. Aimsin, Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH) and society (e.g. state capital Munich ).

The PostDoc position is focused on Active Science and Project Management. To support the research and teaching activities of TSE, the Chair is looking, with immediate effect, for a PhD reinforcement. This postdoctoral position is funded from various projects and focuses on the design and implementation of your own research agenda in topics that complement and/or strengthen the research groups of TSE. After a corresponding training, the position should also take over the management of future and ongoing projects and other administrative tasks. In addition, the teaching activities in existing courses should be (slightly) supported. In this context, the involvement in teaching can be individually adapted in a joint dialogue and based on existing specialist knowledge.