News & Events

openLAB Urban Mobility Kick-Off Event

On Thursday, 7th October 2021 we finally launched the openLAB Urban Mobility, our invitation to engage in a dialog about the future of urban mobility. Selected representatives from civil society, business, science, and public administration were invited to the kick-off event. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Wulfhorst (initiator of the openLAB Urban Mobility) welcomed the approximately 50 participants on site at the Vorhoelzer Forum and via Zoom. He gave an overview of the history of the lab’s development. The openLAB Urban Mobility is a space for encounters at the Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning at the Technical University of Munich.
Luca Scotellaro (Manager of openLAB Urban Mobility) provided the introduction to the openLAB Urban Mobility and moderated the event. A fishbowl discussion allowed the participants to engage with the invited guests, Georg Dunkel (Mobilitätsreferent der Landeshauptstadt München), Sylvia Hladky (Münchner Initiative Nachhaltigkeit), Calvin Cosmo Hartmann (student of the master program Development, Production and Management in Mechanical Engineering), and Elias Pajares (CEO Plan4Better – The GOAT Startup). The presence and participation of the different stakeholders resulted in an exciting exchange on how the openLAB can become active and complement existing services. The numerous suggestions and inputs were taken into consideration and will be incorporated into the conception of the upcoming event formats. With the start of the winter semester 2021/2022, the next stages are the PhD colloquium Urban Mobility and the open Stammtisch urban mobility for an exchange in an informal setting. Starting spring 2022, interested participants can be welcomed to the new location of the openLAB and are invited to help shape the future of urban mobility. We are looking forward to discussing, working and learning with you!

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