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Presentation on emerging mobility technologies at 2019 NECTAR and ITEA conferences

Alejandro Tirachini, currently August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor at TUM´s Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering, took part of the 2019 conference of the Network on European communications and Transport Activities Research (NECTAR) held in Helsinki, and of the Annual Meeting of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA), held in Paris in June 2019. He presented the results of a current research paper on the optimal regulation of ride-hailing services, comparing scenarios with gasoline cars, electric cars and electric-automated cars. This work is co-authored by Professor Constantinos Antoniou.

Professor Tirachini also experienced the automated shuttle bus that currently runs in the Kalasatama district  in Helsinki, as part of a pilot project sponsored by the European Union. This field visit was also relevant for the development of a second ongoing research project, on the economic effects of automated vehicles for public transportation, currently being developed at TUM´s Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering.

This research is supported by the EU H2020 project NOESIS.