News & Events

TUMCREATE - Towards the Ultimate Public Transport System

From left to right: Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Prof. Robert L. Bertini, Prof. Fritz Busch @ TUMCREATE

The mid-term results of the project TUMCREATE - Towards the Ultimate Public Transport System were presented last week. The 5-year large-scale research project dealing with the development of a future autonomous public transport system DART carried out by TUM in cooperation with NTU Singapore successfully passed the evaluation under the direction of Robert L. Bertini, Ph.D., P.E.. The president of Technical University Munich, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang A. Herrmann also attended the event. The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is intensively involved in the traffic and system engineering research of the Singapore team through Prof. Dr. Fritz Busch (Program Principal Investigator) and Dr. Antonios Tsakarestos (Professional Mentor).

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