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Workshop der EuroTech Universitäten über Big Data in Transport/ITS

The EuroTech Universities’ Workshop on Big Data in Transport/ITS was held at Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich on May 23 and 24, 2016 and was organized by the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control of the Technical University of Munich and the EuroTech Univerities Alliance.

The EuroTech Universities alliance is a research and academic alliance of four leading European technical universities: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Technical University of Munich (TUM).

By following an initial kick-off meeting in Brussels, Belgium in December 2015, this workshop in Munich aimed to brainstorm possible research ideas in Big Data focusing on the Transport/ITS domain and to establish proposal-writing activities. Professors and researchers of the four universities interested in Big Data and Transport/ITS (ca. thirty scholars) joined the workshop. The initial research ideas brought by the participants resulted in five ideas that could initiate joint proposal writing activities. The next workshop will be held in the last quarter of this year.