News & Events

Your Chance to contribute to mobil.TUM 2024

mobil.TUM 2024 |

Information about Call for Contributions

The deadline for the Call of Contributions for the mobil.TUM 2024 - The Future of Urban Space and Mobility conference is swiftly approaching on October 31, 2023. Don't miss your chance to take part!

Prepare Your Extended Abstract:

Length: 700-1000 words

Include: Problem statement, research objectives and questions, methodological approach, (expected) outcomes, and implementation prospects.

Choose Your Focus:

You can center your work around one of the following five compelling themes:

  1. Placemaking to integrate urban spaces and mobility.
  2. Promoting sustainable mobility choices in metropolitan regions.
  3. Governing responsible mobility innovations.
  4. Shaping the transition towards mobility justice.
  5. System analysis, design, and evaluation.

Our website provides templates and additional details to guide you on your path to submit your extended abstract. Seize this opportunity to make your mark and drive innovation in mobility and urban spaces.


An international scientific committee will assess all contributions. Key criteria for the selection are relevance for the selected topic areas, scientific quality, and usefulness for practice. The acceptance message will be sent out on January 15, 2024. The conference will provide mobil.TUM Awards for the most inspiring paper, poster, and presentation.

Join us in shaping the future of mobility!  

👀 Any further questions? Check the new FAQ section within the webpage. If you do not find an answer, please feel free to contact us.


mobil.TUM 2024