Evelyn Flesch, Dipl.-Ing.

Research Assistant

Technical University of Munich
School of Engineering and Design
Institute of Sustainable Mobile Powertrains

Schragenhofstraße 31, 80992 Munich
Phone: +49 89.289.24111
Fax: +49 89.289.24100
Room: 2107.UG.101




  • Hydrogen Mobility in Marine Application
  • Decarbonization by carbon free Fuels
  • 3D CFD Simulation with Converge
  • Windpower in Mobile Utilities


  • HydroPoLEn
    Hydrogen Powered Large Engine - Großmotoren hoher Leistungsdichte für den Wasserstoffbetrieb
    Research on a heavy duty large-bore internal combustion engine powered by 100% hydrogen
  • YachtIng - Sustainable Watersportsystems

Student Thesis

To find on the fsmb Homepage or on request.
We are looking forward to hear from you with CV, grades and an email with brief motivation.

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Finished Student Thesis

Hydrogen Combustion in Optical Large-Bore Engine, Analysis with 3D CFD in Converge, Masoud Kavian, April 2024

Hydrogen Combustion in Thermodynamical Large-Bore Engine, Analysis with 3D CFD in Converge, Sarvesh Mayekar, April 2024