Raphael Hatz, M.Sc.

Research Assistant

Technical University of Munich
School of Engineering and Design
Chair of Sustainable Mobile Drivetrains

Schragenhofstraße 31, 80992 München
Phone: +49 89.289.24134
Fax: +49 89.289.24100
Room: 2107.EG.011
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Teaching & Institute

  • Combustion Engines WS 2018/19
  • Member of the research group Energy & Emissions


  • HyMep Diesel Engine - Hybrid, Supercharged Industrial Diesel Engine



  • Hatz, R.; Lukas, A.; Zepf, A.; Jaensch, M.: Computational Investigation on the Performance Increase of a Small Industrial Diesel Engine Regarding the Effects of Compression Ratio, Piston Bowl Shape and Injection Strategy. Energies, 2022 more…
  • Hatz, R.; Zhou, H.; Diez, c.; Wachtmeister, G.; Jaensch, M.: Investigation and Comparison of the Prediction Capabilities of Multiple 0D/1D Combustion Calibration Strategies Using different Turbocharger Systems as Calibration Basis. SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0378,, 2022 more…