Methodological Colloquium

The scientific colloquium is a joint offer from the Chair of Urban Development and the Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning of the Technical University of Munich for all doctoral candidates of the departments Architecture and Mobility Systems Engineering within the School of Engineering and Design.

Program Summer 2023

Methodological Colloquium - Schedule Summer 2023

16 – 18h at TUM, openLAB Urban Mobility (Room 1731)





Wednesday, 24.05.

Room 1731

Mahtab Baghaie Poor

Breathable corridors: comfort in active mobility

Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning

(free slot)



Wednesday, 07.06.

Room 1731

Sebastian Seisenberger

Accessibility by proximity: Analyzing 15-minute cities in Germany

Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning

(free slot)




Room 1731

Nadia Thalguter

Kunsttechnologische Untersuchungen mehrschichtiger fragmentarisch erhaltener Wandmalereien in der Magdalenenkapelle von St. Emmeram in Regensburg. Neue Wege der Vermittlung in Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege

Chair of Conservation-Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science

Sindi Haxhija

'Mobility Injustice Atlas', a tool to identify transport poverty in Munich

Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning


Room 1731

Aycan Kizilkaya

An Investigation on Alternative Theatre Spaces

Neuere Baudenkmalpflege

Matthias Grundei

Evaluation of Urban Mobility Strategies - Assessment of Participation Processes in Innovation Projects

Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning

Description and aim


Basically every research work is done following a similar scheme: it starts with an idea or a research question, and then different steps are done towards a final product of the research, for example the doctoral thesis. In order to not get lost in these steps it is necessary to have an orientation during the research process. The Methodological Colloquium offers this orientation. There are different ideas on how to do scientific research. Architects, planners, engineers, geographers and social scientists often have a different understanding of science. In this seminar we want to promote an interdisciplinary dialog and to discuss about research methods and approaches. Independently of the content, the methodological aspects of the research are the focus of this colloquium. The focus of the questions and challenges are those related to spatial and transport planning.


The greatest difficulties that doctoral candidates face start in the structuring of the research questions, in knowing and choosing the available and appropriate methods and in the monitoring of success. The colloquium aims to provide orientation to the participants regarding these problems. The colloquium’s focus is on the discussion about methods and scientific research processes. The three main objectives of the colloquium are: • To provide doctoral candidates with the opportunity to present their research ideas and concepts to their peers. • to exchange information and experiences among the participants through their presentations and following discussions • To promote the interdisciplinary dialog between architects, engineers as well as sociologists and economists Besides the presentations of doctoral candidates, expert inputs take place, which are meant to shed light on specific aspects of the scientific research and methodological questions.


  • When to present: The best moment to present your work is at two stages of the research process:
    • at the beginning of the research process i.e. when the first exposé describing the research question, background and ideas on the structure of the work and selection of methods has been drafted. At this point is important to get recommendations, before a lot of work is invested in the wrong direction.
    • After significant progress in the work, i.e. when the first doubts come whether the chosen methods are leading to achieve the goals. Both moments can be understood as milestones in the research process. That is why we give you the opportunity to present your work at the beginning as well as in a later stage of your research project.
  • Content: The presentation should briefly address the problem definition, the goals, the approach and the methodology. At the end of the presentation there should be a slide with open questions for the discussion.
  • Duration: Each presentation should be done in 15 minutes, so there is enough time for discussion.
  • Language: English or German

Target audience

Members of the TUM Graduate School can obtain a certificate for 1 SWS by fulfilling two conditions:

  1. Present your work at the colloquium and 
  2. Attend the colloquium regularly.

The course consists of five afternoons with students' presentations and one expert input.

When? Tuesdays/Wednesdays, 16-18h, starting May 16 (see registration for dates)

Registration via: Methodological Colloquium - Summer 23 - Registration (



M.Sc. Maximilian Pfertner
Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning
089 289 22568

Please find a complete description here.