openWALKS - Walks about city & transport

Within our openWALKS, we invite you to explore the connections and interactions between transport and urban development together with us. We would like to go on a journey of discovery with you, enter into dialogue with each other and develop ideas for the future of urban mobility.

The openWALKS are an open offer of the openLAB Urban Mobility. Everyone interested in the topic of transportation is invited - from laypersons to students and experts. Participation in the event is free of charge. However, we welcome a voluntary contribution to cover the costs. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity for an informal evening.

Current Program

Summer term 2024


Topic Presenter

Wed, 15.05.2024

5:30 pm

"Moosach im Umbruch - Ein Spaziergang vom Dorfkern zur U-Bahn"

Registration open:

Maximilian Pfertner

Research associate at the Chair of Settlement Structure and Transport Planning

Wed, 19.06.2024

5:30 pm

"Zwischen Gleisen und Gassen: Giesing im Wandel der Zeit"

Registration open:

Sebastian Seisenberger

Research associate at the Chair of Settlement Structure and Transport Planning

Wed, 17.07.2024

5:30 pm

"Von der Ludwigsbrücke zum Hackenviertel"

Registration open:

Prof. Gebhard Wulfhorst

Professor und Head of the Chair of Settlement Structure and Transport Planning

Start of the events each 5 pm.

Duration ca. 60-90 minutes

Participants Interested public

Registration Due to organisational issues, we ask for a registration via mail, thank you.

Contact Luca Scotellaro

With the "openWALKS - walks about city and transport", the openLAB Urban Mobility led all those interested on walks through different districts of Munich to explore together the connections and interactions between traffic and urban development.

On the route of the first walk, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Wulfhorst provided information about the "colourful infinity" that a city like Munich entails. Starting at the Ludwigsbrücke, built in the 11th century, hidden places, mobility hotspots and planned projects of the city of Munich were explored. In addition to construction sites, we also talked about cycle lanes, citizens' petitions and #parkdeinpark. The walk ended at Hackenplatz, where a representative of the initiative "Bewegte Quartiere" (Green City e.V.) presented their plans for #streetexperiments for the summer of 2022.

On the second walk, Sebastian Seisenberger, a Münchner Kindl, presented the Schlachthofviertel. From Lindwurmstraße in the west of the Ludwigsvorstadt-Isarvorstadt district. The route included discussions about the disused Munich South station, the mobility station at Piazza Zenetti, the new Volkstheater, the dikussions about the Schlachthofviertel and of course the "boat on the bridge". In addition to historical facts and figures, the topics of gentrification, blue infrastructure and culture were also discussed.

The third walk took place away from the centre: In Neuperlach, Dr.-Ing. Julia Kinigadner led the walkers to various places that showed the differences between planning and reality. From pep (the (shopping) centre in Neuperlach) the walk continued, explaining the planning approaches of the "Athens Charter" along the way. After crossing Ständlerstraße, the separation of living, working and shopping became clear. The tour ended at the Marxs Centre, one of eight original sub-centres. Within an integrated urban development concept, however, these and other places in Neuperlach are now to be upgraded.

All in all, the openWALKS were a complete success for us. We would like to thank all speakers and all openWALKers for taking part.

Program for Summer term 2022: 

Time Topic Presenter

Wed, 1 June 2022

From Ludwigsbrücke to Hackenviertel: Central nodes and neighborhoods (in German)

  • Meeting point: Ludwigsbrücke in front of Deutsches Museum

  • Google Maps

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Wulfhorst

Professor at the Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning

Tue, 21 June 2022

Schlachthofviertel: From the "Belly of Munich" to a Cultural Center? (in German)

  • Meeting point: Lindwurmstraße in front of the district administration office 

  • Google Maps

Sebastian Seisenberger

Research associate at the Chair of Settlement Structure and Transport Planning

Tue, 19 July 2022

Neuperlach: Planning utopia meets construction reality (in German)

  • Meeting point: In front of pep shopping center Neuperlach

  • Google Maps

Dr.-Ing. Julia Kinigadner

Academic Councillor at the Chair of Settlement Structure and Transport Planning

Start of the events each 5 pm.

Duration ca. 90 minutes 

Participants Interested public

Entrance Voluntary contribution to cover the costs

Contact Luca Scotellaro


If you have any questions about the event series, please contact Luca Scotellaro, head of openLAB Urban Mobility.