Public Mobility in Urban Transformation

Urban development and mobility of the future in metropolitan regions is sustainable and digitally networked. At the regional level, urban development must be directed towards existing and new public transport infrastructure more than before to ensure accessibility. On the scale of neighbourhoods, short distances should be aimed at, through use-mix, pedestrian and bicycle-friendly design, supplemented by new forms of shared, demand-oriented mobility.

The public lecture series "Public Mobility in Urban Transformation" covers these topics with three expert presentations each semester.

Tentative dates in the summer semester 2023

Tuesday, 07.05.2024, 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr

Die Internationale Bauausstellung "Räume der Mobilität" - anders und besser unterwegs in der Metropolregion München
Julianna Günther
Interimistische Geschäftsführerin Internationale Bauausstellung "Räume der Mobilität"

Tuesday, 04.06.2024, 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr

Postponed to Tuesday, 11.06.2024, 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr

Erreichbarkeit, regionalökonomische und gesellschaftliche Effekte im Zusammenspiel
Stefanie Gäbler, Felix Heizler
Deutsches Zentrum für Schienenverkehrsforschung DZSF

Different room as usual: 2370

Tuesday, 16.07.2024, 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr

Titel wird noch bekanntgegeben
Stefan Melzer
Geschäftsführer und Partner, MO.Point, Wien


Participation in the lectures 

Participation in the colloquium is free, no application is necessary. 

Participation in the colloquium can be credited with 1 SWH towards the qualification programme of the graduate school.

The lectures will be held in German and will take place in the Vorhoelzer Forum (room 5166). Note: The lift can currently only be used up to the 4th floor, please use the stairs from there on.

Technical University Munich - Campus City Centre 
Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich
Room 5166 

The public colloquium is organised by:

Chair of Spatial Development
Prof. Dr. Alain Thierstein

Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning
Prof. Dr. Gebhard Wulfhorst

Stadtwerke München GmbH (SWM)
Mobility Development
Strategy and Mobility Lab
Jutta Jungwirth

Organisation and queries:

Dr. Fabian Wenner
Chair of Urban Development 

Dr. Benjamin Büttner
Chair of Settlement Structure and Transport Planning

Marion Eisenschmid-Maier
Stadtwerke München GmbH (SWM)
Mobility Management, Urban Planning