
Recap: MCube Speaker Series "Future of Mobility" Summer 2023

MCube Speaker Series |

Three exciting MCube Speaker Series on "Future of Mobility" took place last semester. Once again, various topics were explored, and different experts were brought to the stage. It started with the topic "The Integration of AI into Our Daily Lives" (May 25th), followed by "Cycling for a Better Future" (June 22nd), and concluded with "Sharing - Curse or Sustainable Solution?" (July 13th). Now, the Speaker Series will take a summer break and will resume in October with new topics revolving around the future of mobility.

25.05. "The new kid on the block: The Integration of AI into Our Daily Lives"

AI - Artificial Intelligence is currently making big headlines. We also covered the topic as part of the "Deutschen KI-Monat mAI" and invited everyone to join us at FRANZI, MUCBOOK Clubhouse on Thursday, May 25, 2023. The event started with a welcome address by Oliver May-Beckman, Head of MCube - Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions. Following the introduction, the following experts provided insights into their everyday work with AI:

  • Dr. Laura Dornheim (IT Consultant and Chief Digital Officer (CDO), City of Munich)
  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Betz (TUM/ Chair of Autonomous Vehicle Systems)
  • Prof. Dr. Jochen Hartmann (TUM/ Chair of Digital Marketing)
  • Dr. Stefanie Lämmle (Head of Competence Center for Artificial Intelligence in the InnovationLab of the IT Department, City of Munich)
  • Tobias Glaß (Strategy Mobility, Stadtwerke München)

After the keynote speeches, there was an engaging Q&A session where questions from the audience were answered. It was once again a very interesting evening, and we are already looking forward to the next MCube Speaker Series on the "Future of Mobility" on Thursday, June 22, 2023, at 6:30 PM in the Vorhoezler Forum at the TUM Downtown Campus. This event will focus on everything related to cycling and will feature international speakers, making it an English-language event. We cordially invite everyone interested to attend.

22.06. „Cycling for a Better Tomorrow: Safe and Sustainable Mobility”

During the event on Thursday, June 22, 2023, at the TUM Vorhoelzer Forum, our distinguished panel of experts delved deep into the possibilities of cycling as a sustainable solution for urban mobility. They emphasized the need to create safe, accessible, inclusive, and enjoyable cycling experiences for all. Here are some notable discussion points from our speakers:

  • Prof. Marco Dozza highlighted the importance of intelligent vehicles and the need to overcome behavioral barriers in the mobility transition.
  • Maria Deingruber impressively presented the possibilities of micromobility and stressed the need for improved cycling infrastructure to make cycling more attractive and practical.
  • Peter Bloesl vividly showcased the benefits of cargo bikes in urban freight transport and emphasized their ability to reduce emissions and alleviate traffic congestion in cities.

Throughout the event, the audience actively participated by raising thought-provoking questions that shed light on the interplay of politics and societal factors in the mobility transition. These interactions sparked lively discussions and fostered a cooperative atmosphere.

13.07. "Sharing - Curse or Sustainable Solution?"

Sharing is an established concept in the field of mobility. It refers to the practice of sharing a (mobility) product among multiple users rather than being exclusively used by one person. Bike-sharing and car-sharing, in particular, enable this form of sharing in the mobility industry. Due to the resource-efficient nature of sharing, there is tremendous potential to revolutionize our daily lives in terms of transportation! On Thursday, July 13, 2023, various experts provided insights into the world of sharing:

  • Nico Nachtigal (TUM/Chair of Vehicle Technology, Project Manager ComfficientShare) introduced the MCube project ComfficientShare and provided facts and figures on how car-sharing can be made even more attractive and reliable.
  • Franziska Feiertag (ComfficientShare user) offered insights into the preparation and usage of ComfficientShare from a user's perspective. The sharing concept was developed by a small group of residents and has been in testing for approximately three weeks. Conclusion: "So far, it's going well."
  • Stefan Sommerfeld (City of Kempten, Mobilpunkte Kempten) made his way from the Allgäu region to the Traffic Center of the Deutsches Museum to talk to the people of Munich about sharing concepts in rural areas. After initial hurdles in establishing sharing initiatives, he now seems very satisfied with the implemented points. Information about the presented eHUBS can be found here.
  • Bernhard Kalkbrenner (UnternehmerTUM/Digital Hub Mobility) provided insights into the "Hausflotte" project, which enables private car-sharing within residential communities. The project has been running for six months, and there are now discussions on how sharing can be established on a larger scale. Information can be found at




The MCube Speaker Series "Future of Mobility" is an event organized by MCube - Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions, openLAB Urban Mobility, and the Deutsches Museum.

Photos: openLAB Urban Mobility