
SmartHubs Stakeholder-Workshop in Brussel

The SmartHubs project, funded by JPI Urban Europe, focuses on assessing the transformative potential of mobility hubs. It explores actively user-centered, co-created development approaches to promote inclusive and sustainable urban mobility. Recently, Benjamin Büttner, Aaron Nichols, and David Duran from the Accessibility Planning research group actively participated in the stakeholder workshop 'Smart Mobility Hubs as Drivers of Urban Transformation' held in Brussels on October 16, 2023. Following the workshop, the SmartHubs consortium gathered for a meeting to discuss the impact assessment of inclusive mobilityhubs, the utilization of our #Tools, and strategic planning for the project's final phase. TUM Accessibility Planning presented an online and globally applicable open-source tool for assessing the accessibility of mobility hubs, a development led by Aaron Nichols.