SmartHubs Symposium Meeting on April 09, 2024
In the beginning, Benjamin Büttner and Karst Geurs gave a short introduction to the SmartHubs project. Afterwards, representative of the City of Munich as well as of local transportaion operators ave insights into their daily work and strategies. After the plenary sessions, it was time for an active Hashtag#fishbowl panel discussion, with input from policy makers & practitioners from the City of Munich (Chris Helf), MVV (Gesa Volpers), MVG (Martin Sauer), DB (Danitza Toca), Lime (Max Pahlke) and of course all participants!
Finally, we handed over our final report to the practitioners from Munich, with 10 recommendations for policy makers & practitioners to make mobility hubs smarter.
The report is also available online: Making mobility hubs smarter 10 recommendations for practitioners & policy makers