At the beginning of December, the next event of the MCube Speaker Series continued in the Verkehrszentrum of Deutsches Museum. Entitled "Future of…
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On Thursday, 27 October 2022, the first TUM Sustainability Day took place. Many lectures, workshops and information booths were prepared and carried…
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The one-year anniversary of the openLAB Urban Mobility was celebrated internally at TUM at the same time as the inauguration of the chair's renovated…
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How can we design urban spaces of the future? On Friday, 23rd September we were able to take away exciting suggestions, dreams, facts and ideas for…
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You can be quite envious of what the students experienced during the summer school: Here is a summary of what was done during the week in Munich.
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This year's TUM.Mobility Day was organised by the Chair of Automotive Engineering and took place at the TUM campus in Garching near Munich. The team…
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Within the MCube Speaker Series, different speakers will share their knowledge on various topics with the broad society. What and who took centre…
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With the "openWALKS - walks about city and transport", the openLAB Urban Mobility led all those interested on walks through different districts of…
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The Urban Green Infrastructure research group officially started their program last Thursday, 2nd June 2022! In this two-day seminar, researchers from…
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