Here you will find the presentation slides of the sessions. It is structured in analog to the conference program.
Wednesday, 10.04.2024
Session A (09:30 - 11:00)
Host: Catherine Gall, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Title | |
1 | 10 facts of the 15mC (Benjamin Büttner - Technical University of Munich) |
2 | The potential and challenges of digital twins for 15 minute cities (Lucas Van der Meer - University of Salzburg) |
3 | Dealing with the 15-min City concept in the Lyon metropolitan area accessibility challenges for sustainable mobility and inclusiveness (Nicolas Ovtracht - LAET CNRS University of Lyon) |
4 | Dissecting Opposition to the 15-Minute City in the Post-COVID Era (Oriol Marquet - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) |
Host: Karst Geurs, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Unlocking the Potential of Crowd-Sourced Data for Smart Mobility Hubs (Christoph Kirchberger - Technical University of Vienna) |
2 | Experimental and participatory governance of mobility hubs in urban sustainable transitions (Julia Hansel - University of Münster) |
3 | Mobility hubs and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) – The urban morphology, public transport and shared mobilities (Todor Stojanovski - KTH Royal Institute of Technology) |
4 | Barriers and preferences to mobility hubs An analysis of users and non-users (Oliver Roider - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU) |
Host: Imre Keserü, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | To approve or not to approve - The role of polarization in street experiments (Mareike Schmidt - Technical University of Munich) |
2 | The Voice of the City Analysing User-Generated Content to Inform Active Mobility Policy Making Using Natural Language Models (Charlotte van Vessem - Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
3 | Mobile Apps for Tourists – Insignificant Fad or Effective Tool to Shape the Destination and Mode Choice Decisions (Sebastian Vicoli - Universität of Innsbruck) |
4 | How can municipalities contribute to the promotion of Urban Consolidation Centres (Maria Savall-Mañó) |
Session B (11:15 - 12:45)
Host: David Duran, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Title | |
1 | Vulnerability to fuel price increases Socio-spatial patterns in Germany (Giulio Mattioli - TU Dortmund University) |
2 | Creating safe spaces for a just mobility transition (Henrike Rau & Monika Popp - Lüdwig-Maximilians Universität) |
3 | The interplay between travel behavior and public participation in sustainable urban mobility (Roxani Gkavra - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU) |
4 | Multi-Stakeholder analysis of mobility justice perspectives (David Duran-Rodas - Technical University of Munich) |
Host: Benjamin Büttner, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Insights for Enhancing Urban Freight Accessibility (Julia Amaral - University of Antwerp) |
2 | Environmental benefits of logistics facilities in the 15-Minute City – A trade-off analysis of transportation and real estate impacts (Claire Schelfhout - Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
3 | The driving factors of consumers’ shopping channel choices in the omnichannel shopping context (Yubing Lei - University of Antwerp) |
4 | Experiential learning in urban mobility: Logic, impact and applications (Els Beukers & Job Oberman - Windesheim) |
Host: George Liu, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | Bike-Sharing Stations in urban areas and proximity (Rebecca Rossetti - University of Bologna) |
2 | Cargo Bike Sharing The Potential of a new Socially Innovative Mobility Service for Metropolitan Regions and Beyond (Michael Bissel - Technische Universität Berlin) |
3 | Pedaling Progress Insights into the Acceptance and Consequences of Bicycle Friendly Side Streets (Jana Busse - Research Lab for Urban Transport) |
4 | Scale Matters Proximity and Cycling Share in 40 European Metropolitan Areas (Beatriz Martinez Rico - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) |
Session C (13:45 - 15:15)
Host: Sebastian Rauch, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Title | |
1 | Assessing Sustainable Mobility Scenarios and their Influence on Street Level Air Pollution A Comparative Analysis in Kessels (Elisa Bernal-Reino - Glasgow Caledonian University) |
2 | Suburban dream vs. climate-friendly transport Assessing the transport and environmental implications of urban sprawl developm (Arkadiusz Drabicki - Technical University of Munich) |
3 | Access to education and clean air Urban policies in Warsaw primary schooling (Joanna Rachubik - University of Warsaw) |
4 | Are Parents driving air pollution around schools (Henrik Grythe - NILU, Norway) |
Host: Yusak Susilo, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Traffic Light Assistant App for cooperative multimodal signal control (Kim Jannik Eggers - German Aerospace Center (DLR)) |
2 | Determination of a Representative Travel Speed for Road Facility Performance Evaluation Using Floating Car Data (Torben Lelke - TU Braunschweig) |
3 | Open data platforms for smart mobility planning the case of Brazilian Capitals (Tatiane Borchers - Universität Duisburg-Essen) |
4 | The gender data gap in mobility: A systematic guide to gender-sensitive data in mobility research (Ines Kawgan-Kagan) |
Host: Els Beukers, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | Smart shared mobility hubs the future of hubs for vulnerable users (Anna Grigolon - University of Twente) |
2 | What does data tell you - insights form a carpooling dataset (Marcel Porschen - RWTH Aachen University) |
3 | Location Selection for Integrated Mobility Services A Study on (Jaehyun So - Ajou University) |
4 | Business Model Innovation in Urban Air Mobility (Vasiliki Kalliga - Bauhaus Luftfahrt E. V.) |
Poster Session I (16:00 - 16:30)
Room "Münchner Kindl": Pitching Session, Room "Dirndl": Poster haning
Session D (16:30 - 18:00)
Host: Karen Lucas, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Title | |
1 | The influence of the built and social environment on elderly's wellbeing in an activity travel context (Caroline Beckers - Ghent University) |
2 | Inclusive methodologies to involve disadvantaged groups in the development of sustainable mobility solutions (Lluis Martinez - Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
3 | How to combat mobility injustices for older people (Helena Gartmeier - Technical University of Munich) |
4 | Transcending the duality of the “mobile” and “immobile”. Revealing human capacities for planetary wellbeing through “third cultures”. (Kim Carlotta von Schönfeld - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences) |
Host: Ines Kawgan-Kagan, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Understanding multimodal mobility strategies of micromobility users in urban environments Insights from Barcelona (Oriol Roig - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) |
2 | Co-Designing Participation Processes for Regional Multimodal Transport An Untapped Potential (Õnne Kask - Tallinn University) |
3 | MaaS acceptance in global South cities comparison of Bogota and Barranquilla (Colombia) and Manila (Philippines) (Mauricio Orozco-Fontalvo - Universidade de Lisboa) |
4 | Improving interest in public, active, and shared travel modes through nudging interventions (Hannah Hook - Ghent University) |
Host: Fabian Wenner, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | Whats in a railway station Developing a scientific model for sustainable railway stations of the future (Spyridon Nektarios Koulouris - Technical University of Munich) |
2 | Who buys housing with good public transport Exploring residential mobility with house transaction data (Erik Lunke - Institute of Transport Economics (TØI)) |
3 | Exploring Seamless and Attractive Transfers to Public Transport Stations with Digital Tactical Urbanism (Heike Marquart - German Aerospace Center (DLR)) |
4 | Regional rail stations as catalysts and barriers for 15-minute-neighbourhoods Transit-oriented or transit-adjacent development in the Munich Metropolitan Region (Fabian Wenner - Technical University of Munich) |
Thursday, 11.04.2024
Session E (09:30 - 11:00)
Host: Benjamin Büttner, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Title | |
1 | Mixed methods approach to understanding perceived walkability in the 15 Minute-City (Anna-Lena van der Vlugt - Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development) |
2 | The Role of Urban Green Infrastructure in 15-minute Cities (Mathtab BaghaiePoor - Technical University of Munich) |
3 | Walk the Talk - Mapping the 15-Minute City Towards Actionable Policy in Malta (Wendy Jo Mifsud & Therese Bajada - University of Malta) |
4 | 23 minutes is walking distance, unless…’ Factors reducing walking time thresholds of Twitter users (Hannah Hook - Ghent University) |
Host: Hilda Tellioglu, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Looking for consensus to create more liveable streets Exploring the objectives barriers and relationships of key stakeholder (Imre Keserü - Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
2 | Beliefs, governance and context of car-reduced planning ‒ A comparison of new housing developments within and between cities (Annika Schröder - ILS Research, Dortmund) |
3 | Identifying which Street Characteristics Promote Walking for Transport - A Virtual Reality Think-Aloud Study (Benjamin Beirens - Ghent University) |
4 | Speculative Design and Human Behavior (Hilda Tellioglu - Technical University of Vienna) |
Host: Maximilian Pfertner, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | The Mobil-o-mat A Simplified Assessment Approach for Early Stages of Transportation Planning (Yamam Alayasreih - Technical University of Munich) |
2 | An alternative framework for the assessment of ‘push and pull’ transport schemes in metropolitan regions (Jonas Horlemann - Technical University of Munich) |
3 | Indicator Development Framework for Innovative Mobility Programs – the Top-Down-Bottom-Up Approach (Matthias Grundei - Technical University of Munich) |
Session F (11:15 - 12:45)
Host: Alex Erath, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Title | |
1 | Parking supply and parking policies in European cities an assessment based on public data (Conny Louen - RWTH Aachen University) |
2 | Comprehensive traffic calming methodology and impacts findings from a small municipality in Slovenia (Mojca Balant - Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia) |
3 | A Method to Increase Line Capacity at Peak Hour with Limited Platform Capacity (Zhihua Jin - Technical University of Munich) |
4 | Traffic impact of flexibly rented, private parking spaces (Alex Erath - University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland) |
Host: Cecília Silva, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Modelling road infrastructure potential for the appraisal of sustainable bicycling networks (David Zani - ETH Zurich) |
2 | City-wide Cycling Network Extension and Bicycle Ridership in São Paulo a Causal Analysis (Francisco Macedo - Radboud University) |
3 | A spatial accessibility analysis for cycling in Bari (Alessandro Gardelli - University of Bari Aldo Moro) |
4 | E-Bike City masterplan Designing a car-reduced urban 1 mobility future for Zurich (Lukas Ballo - ETH Zurich |
Host: David Vale, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | Data fusion from real-time and historical trajectories for the microscopic traffic flow simulation of the campus of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (Eftychios Papapanagiotou - Universität der Bundeswehr München) |
2 | Changes to Vehicle Distance Travelled in Germany, USA and Melbourne, Australia and demographic trends and the external influences (Kieran Mann - Technical University of Munich) |
3 | Identifying Equitable Solutions for the Parking Problem in Munich’s Dreimühlenviertel with an Integrated Travel Behavior and Parking Study (Lukas Burger - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) |
4 | Residential Relocation & Travel Behaviour – A Comparison between residents of a car-reduced neighbourhood and a control group (Simon Werschmöller - Goethe University Frankfurt am Main) |
Session G (13:45 - 15:15)
Host: Thomas Schönberger, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Title | |
1 | Generating car dependence exploration of factors from a multidimensional perspective in Lombardy, Italy (Jaime Sierra Muñoz - Politecnico di Milano) |
2 | Understanding politicians’ positions about contentious car restrictive measures: public protest and ways to build support for them (Robert Hrelja - Malmö University) |
3 | Addressing infrequent car users to reduce car ownership in dense urban areas – a case study from Dreimühlenviertel in Munich (Andreas Rall - Karlsruhe Institue of Technology) |
4 | Composing Effective Packages of Push and Pull Measures to Reduce Inner City Car Traffic (Thomas Schönberger - Bundesinstitut für Bau- Stadt- und Raumforschung) |
Host: Carolin Zimmer, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Who is the nag, who is the drag? Comparing the visions for the future of mobility of policymakers and the population in Munich (Franziska X. Meinherz & Stefanie Ruf - Technical University of Munich) |
2 | Responsible Mobility Governance at the Regional Level – An Empirically Grounded Framework on Mobility Innovation in Munich (Sophia Knopf - Technical University of Munich) |
3 | Understanding local destabilization policies in the mobility sector: A comparison of mobility governance in Amsterdam, London and Munich (Alina Weiss - Technical University of Munich) |
4 | Making Mobility Futures by Experiment. Real-World and Virtual Testing as Governance in the Munich Mobility Landscape (Michael Mögele - Technical University of Munich) |
Host: Hannah Hook, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | 15-minutes walking accessibility to primary schools across space and time (Cecilia Silva - Universidade do Porto) |
2 | The 15-minute neighbourhood game (Kelt Garritsen - University of Twente) |
3 | Equity in urban transportation planning the 15-minute city approach A case study of Oslo city, Norway (Saeid Pira - Molde University College) |
4 | Accessibility inequality across Europe a comparison of 15-minute pedestrian accessibility in cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants (David Vale - Universidade de Lisboa) |
Poster Session II (15:15 - 15:45)
Room "Münchner Kindl": Pitching Sessions, Room "Dirndl": Poster hanging