
15-minute City mapping

The project aims to consider different 15-minute city concepts as a mosaic of measures and activities in four key areas: personal mobility, urban planning and public space, urban logistics, and innovative governance. For more information, click here.


The overall objective of COMMON_ACCESS is to explore the concept of ‘Commoning accessibility’ and investigate its operationalisation in the urban periphery and suburban contexts, working closely with local planning authorities, businesses, and communities. For more information, click here.

Doctoral Training Network

The EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network is an association that aims to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of urban mobility based on the knowledge triangle - education, research and business. The program provides PhD candidates with a platform for exchange and feedback on their individual research. For more information, please click here.


The DREAMS project aims to address these challenges related to implementing the 15-minute city neighborhoods in urban outskirts. . For more information, click here.

GOAT 3.0

The development of the Geo Open Accessibility Tool (GOAT) is intended to support the planning of sustainable mobility using the accessibility approach. The innovation lies in the integration of analyses and scenarios for multimodal mobility via an easy-to-use web interface. Further information can be found here.


InclusiveSpaces’ vision is to design a more equitable, sustainable and climate-change adaptive future by redefining the way we approach and create our built environments. Find out more

MCube Cluster

The MCube Cluster comprises a unique network of players from science, business, the public sector and society from the Munich region. Together, we develop sustainable solutions for mobility in metropolitan regions. More information can be found here.

Miniblock "Steinhuber"

The traffic concept for the "Steinhuber" mini-block in Munich aims to redesign the public space in the Steinheil and Enhuber streets in the Maxvorstadt neighborhood.  For more information, click here.


The aim of the "Mitanand" project is the standardised and transferable link between public transport and ride-sharing providers on the basis of the GTFS interface commonly used in public transport. The interface will be integrated in the Munich transport and tariff network within an intermodal routing. More information can be found here.


The "Participatory Living Lab for Innovative Mobility Management with App-based Incentives" (PRIMA) tests innovative methods to improve the framework conditions for using sustainable mobility options for employees and students of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). For more information, click here.

RTG UGI - Breathable Corridors

The Research Training Group Urban Green Infrastructure (RTG UGI) integrates urban planning and design, urban ecosystems, and human health. Subproject 2 "Breathable corridors" is focusing on mobility in multifunctional urban spaces. More information can be found here.


SET offers a variety of resources to promote, implement and support street experiments. Within SET, we developed a guideline that provides insights and considerations when planning a Street Experiment and SET Consult provides tailormade strategies and solutions to cities, organizations and anyone who wants to have more livable and sustainable cities. Find more information here.


The SmartHubs project examines mobility hubs, dedicated on-street locations where citizens can choose from different shared and sustainable mobility options. For more information, click here.


Recently Completed Projects (2020-2021)


EXperimenting with city streets to TRAnsform urban mobility. For more information, click here.


The project focuses on two areas in the transport sector: sustainable mobility in suburbs and innovative freight logistics in urban areas. Important components of urban mobility policy that have received less attention so far. For more information, click here.


Small but noticeable interventions in public space are investigated within real experiments in cooperation with motivated partner cities. The focus is on new mobility options as an alternative to motorized individual transport. Further information can be found here


The project includes the development of an information tool in connection with an implementation guide, which will be investigated on the basis of three international pilot cities for the integration of e-micro-mobile solutions into the existing mobility system. More information can be found here.


The project aims to identify barriers, challenges and approaches to the effective deployment of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) based on international standards and practices and adapt them to local conditions. For more information, click here.

  • Inzell-Arbeitskreis "Nahmobilität und ÖV"
  • Better Airport Regions
  • Schaufenster - Elektromobilität (Weitere Informationen)
  • Mobilitätsmanagement Weihenstephan (Weitere Informationen)
  • Perspektiven im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr im Landkreis München
  • WAM - Wohnen, Arbeiten, Mobilität. Veränderungsdynamik und Zukunftsoptionen für die Metropolregion München (Weitere Informationen)
  • Sun2Car
  • MOR€CO II - Handlungsempfehlungen für öffentliche Akteure zur Reaktion auf steigende Mobilitätskosten im MVV-Raum (Weitere Informationen)
  • Vorbereitende Untersuchungen "Fliegerhorst Fürstenfeldbruck"
  • MOR€CO I - Untersuchung der künftigen Wohn- und Mobilitätskosten für private Haushalte in der Region München (Weitere Informationen)
  • Integriertes Klimaschutzkonzept für die Stadt Würzburg (Weitere Informationen)
  • Bahn.Ville 2 - Innovative Umsetzung und Begleitung von schienengestützter Siedlungsentwicklung und Verkehrsverknüpfung in den Regionen Rhône-Alpes und Rhein-Main (Deutsch-Französisches Kooperationsprojekt 2008-2010). (Weitere Informationen)
  • Machbarkeitsstudie BAB A99 München Südabschnitt - Raumstrukturelle Beurteilung (Weitere Informationen)
  • Strukturelle Auswirkungen einer Einbeziehung von Stadt und Landkreis Landshut in das MVV-Tarifgebiet (Weitere Informationen)
  • Verkehrsuntersuchung und Entwicklung eines Verkehrskonzepts für das Sanierungsgebiet Freilassing-Mitterfeld (Weitere Informationen)
  • S-Bahn-Entwicklungspotenziale Salzburg - Erforderliche Handlungsfelder und Maßnahmen im unmittelbaren Einzugsbereichder neuen S-Bahn-Haltestellen der Stadt Salzburg zur Steigerung der ÖPNV-Nachfrage (Weitere Informationen)
  • Urban dynamics and energy demand: insights mobility
  • Weiterentwicklung der Verkehrsentwicklungsplanung zu einer stadtregionalen Verkehrsstrategie  - Teilbereich "Kontinuierlicher Planungsprozess"
  • P+R-Konzepte in Deutschland - Anregungen für den Raum München
  • TRANSFORMES - Integration of TRANSport and urban FORM in the European region of Strasbourg (Marie Curie Projekt, EU, Wulfhorst/INSA de Strasbourg/ADEUS, 2004-2005). Weitere Informationen auf der Projektwebsite.
  • Bahn.Ville - Schienengestützte Siedlungsentwicklung und Verkehrsverknüpfung in deutschen und französischen Stadtregionen (Deutsch-Französisches Kooperationsprojekt 2001-2004) (Handbuch zum Download)