General description:
The EPURA (Evaluation, Processevaluation, Upscaling, Replication, Application) integration project enables MCube to expand beyond its initial scope, becoming a beacon for the implementation, upscaling, and replication of mobility projects in the Munich region and beyond. EPURA aims to maximize the benefits from the projects of MCube Phase I and Phase II by developing evaluation and utilization strategies that are transferable and can be applied within and outside of MCube – both on the methodological level and the real-world application. The main idea is that we evaluate the individual project, and then use the learnings to develop strategies for replication and application.
Evaluation of the MCube innovation projects in terms of their (potential) impact on the strategic goals
Development and application of methods to upscale, replicate, and apply the projects’ results and learnings
Making sure that the MCube innovation projects will create impact on multiple levels, such as research, the public sector, education, entrepreneurship, and businesses.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research,
Future CLuster-Initative (Clusters4Future)
November 2024 - October 2027
M. Sc. Maximilian Pfertner (maximilian.pfertner@tum.de, +49 (89) 289 – 22568)
M. Sc. Carolin Zimmer (carolin.zimmer@tum.de, +49 (89) 289 – 23836)
Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control
City of Munich, Mobility Department
EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub Central
Haselhorst Associates GmbH
Fraunhofer IAO
TUM Think Tank
Deutscher Alpenverein