Smart Advisor for Sustainable Integrated Mobility

General description:

The innovation project Smart Advisor for Sustainable Integrated Mobility (SASIM) - A Full Cost Perspective on Urban Transport is one of 14 sub-projects in MCube - Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions. The aim of the project is to prepare the full costs of various forms of mobility in their entirety and to communicate them transparently to decision-makers. Based on the full costs, mobility options can be evaluated according to their temporal and spatial context with regard to their sustainability. The project aims to develop innovative approaches to promote sustainable mobility behavior by means of cost transparency, awareness raising, as well as planning and steering elements.


  • Development and deployment of an online full cost calculator that provides evaluated mobility options for individual travel requests
  • Creation of scenarios for a holistic, dynamic pricing system based on the full costs of different mobility options to promote sustainable mobility behavior
  • Examination of the scenarios with regard to the effects on accessibility and mobility behavior as well as discussion of further steering measures such as the idea of a mobility budget


Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Future Cluster-Initiative (Clusters4Future)


November 2021 - October 2024


Dr.-Ing. Julia Kinigadner
+49 89 289 22406 


TUM - chair of Automotive Technology, Marketing, Traffic Engineering and Control & Transportation Systems Engineering, Munich Transport and Tariff Association as well as other associated partners
