System Analysis and Evaluation

General description:

The integration project System Analysis and Evaluation (SUE) is one of 14 sub-projects in MCube - Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions. The overall objective of the SUE project is the creation and application of an analysis toolbox for the evaluation of MCube projects and the design of innovative as well as established transport systems and forms of mobility. The project is divided into two modules: system design and evaluation. The evaluation module accompanies the implementation of the projects in MCube in the form of an impact and process evaluation in order to examine both the potential degrees of target achievement with regard to the quality of time, space and air, and to evaluate the underlying processes with regard to efficiency in terms of the defined goals of networking, cooperation and participation of all actors. With the help of the developed methodology, future transport systems and potential mobility projects can be evaluated ex ante (system design) as well as ex post (evaluation), alternatives and scenarios can be compared and finally better, evidence-based decisions can be made.


  • Development and testing of a methodology to support individual decisions on the integration of additional mobility systems or on the overall mobility strategy for a metropolitan region.

  • Creation and so far unique presentation of evaluation results in the form of a transparent, digital dashboard.

  • Development of guidelines that can be exploited both for the further development of the MCube Cluster and for planning practice in the region and beyond.


Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Future CLuster-Initative (Clusters4Future)


November 2021 - October 2024


M.Sc. Maximilian Pfertner
+49 89 289 22568


TUM - Chait of Traffic Engineering and Control, BMW Group, City of Munich as well as other associated partners 
