Please contact us if you would like to write your Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis or study project at our department. Please contact us individually at an early stage. For advertised topics, you can contact the specified person by e-mail. It is advantageous to attach the current transcript of records.
In the following table you will find topic suggestions from the chair. You are also welcome to suggest your own topics!
Topic | Suitable for | Supervised by |
Evaluierung Grundschulwettbewerb MZM | Master's Thesis | Dominik Fuchs |
Understanding the mobility behavior of older people in mid-dense urban areas using qualitative approaches. | Master's Thesis | Ana Clara Szymanski |
User Interface Testing: Einbindung von Mitfahrgelegenheiten in die ÖPNV-Fahrplanauskunft (in Zusammenarbeit mit | Bachelor's Thesis / Master's Thesis / Study Project (Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich) | Julia Kinigadner |
Multi-user Bicycle Network Design Optimization | Master's Thesis | Bartosz McCormick |
Flächengerechtigkeitsanalyse in zwei Münchner Quartieren / Analysis of space equity in two Munich neighborhoods | Study Project / Master's Thesis (experience with GIS needed) | Simone Aumann |
Last update: 03.03.2025