Qin Zhang
Research Associate
Telefon: +49 (0)89 289 22698
Email: qin.zhang@tum.de
Technical University of Munich, Germany; Institute for Advanced Study (Lichtenbergstrasse 2 a, D-85748 Garching, Germany)
Qin Zhang studied Logistics Engineering at Tongji University in Shanghai, China between 2010 and 2014. Then she received a Master's degree in Transportation System at the Technical University of Munich in 2017. She did her Master thesis and also interned at GEVAS software GmbH. After her master's study, she joined the Spatial Mobility Research Group as a research associate and PhD student.
Research Interests
Pedestrian Demand Modeling
Integrated Land Use and Transportation Modeling
Traffic Signal Controls
Traffic Simulation
2018 - 2020: Development of a microsimulation urban model to test policies for a sustainable future. German-Japanese Cooperation Project funded by DAAD
2019: Erforschung des langfristigen Anwendungspotenzials von Urban Air Mobility als Ergänzung zum öffentlichen Personennahverkehr am Beispiel Oberbayern (OBUAM)
2020 - Now: Integrating health into travel demand models. European Union GLASST project
Ploetner, Kay, Rothfeld, Raoul, Shamiyeh, Michael, Kabel, Stefanie, Frank, F., Straubinger, Anna, Llorca, Carlos, Fu, Mengying, Moreno, Ana, Pukhova, Alona, Zhang, Qin, Al Haddad, Christelle, Wagner, Harry, Antoniou, Costantinos, Moeckel, Rolf (forthcoming) Long-term Application Potential of Urban Air Mobility Complementing Public Transport: An Upper Bavaria Example. Accepted for publication in CEAS Aeronautical Journal: An Official Journal of the Council of European Aerospace Societies.
Zhang, Qin, Clifton, Kelly, Moeckel, Rolf, and Orrego-Onate, Jaime (2019) Household Trip Generation and the Built Environment: Does More Density Mean More Trips? In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2673(5), pp 596-606. [Publisher's Website]
Zhang, Qin, Clifton, Kelly, Moeckel, Rolf and Orrego Onate, Jaime (2019) Investigate an Appropriate Spatial Resolution for Large-scaled Pedestrian Travel Demand Model. In: Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 41, pp 324-327. [Open Access]
Pukhova, Alona; Llorca, Carlos; Moreno, Ana Tsui; Zhang, Qin; Moeckel, Rolf: Urban air mobility: another disruptive technology or just an insignificant addition? European Transport Conference, 2019 [Open Access]
Llorca, Carlos; Zhang, Qin; Moreno, Ana Tsui; Moeckel, Rolf: Airport access and egress trips in an agent-based travel demand model. 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2019), 2019 [Open Access]
Zhang, Qin, Clifton, Kelly, Moeckel, Rolf (2019) Incorporate Pedestrian Modeling with a Microscopic Integrated Land Use and Transport Model for an Urban Region. In: Proceedings of mobil.TUM Conference in Munich, 11-12 September 2019. [Download]