Zhihua Jin
Research Associate
Telefon: +49 (0)89 289 22698
Email: zhihua.jin@tum.de
Zhihhua Jin is a research associate in the Travel Behavior Research Group at TUM. She holds a B.Eng. and M.Eng. in Civil Engineering from Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan. in Bachelor and Master thesis, she focused on the interactions between fare structure and oprations of public transportation. After gradutation, she worked for Nikken Sekkei as an urban planner in Tokyo, Japan, until she joined the Travel Behavior Reserach Group at TUM as a research associate in 2023.
Research Interests
Transportation Network Design and Optimization
Public Transportation Operation and Management
Public Transportation Fare Structure
Integrated Land Use and Transportation Modeling
Modeling Urban Development
Spatial Modeling
Project Seminar
Thesis supervision
Jin, Z., Schmöcker, J. D., & Maadi, S. (2019). On the interaction between public transport demand, service quality and fare for social welfare optimisation. Research in Transportation Economics, 76, 100732.