Submit an abstract

The symposium will take place in Raitenhaslach near Munich December 11-13, 2024. The number of participants is limited to ensure an environment that promotes fruitful discussions. Participation is by invitation only. People interested in participating are asked to cover their own travel expenses to and from Munich. Local transportation, accommodation and food are covered by the host. To be considered for invitation, researchers and practitioners are asked to submit a 250-word abstract describing the research they would like to present. The short abstract shall include: 

  • a problem statement
  • the method(s) applied 
  • (expected) results
  • an open question on this research that the presenter would like to have discussed (or even answered) at the symposium. We ask for this statement to emphasize that we are less interested in “completed” and “finished” research but more interested in work in progress.

When inviting participants for this symposium, a good mix of contributions in theory, data and models will be a criterion. We will further consider diversity in gender, research skills and academia/practice.

Please send your abstract in PDF format to In your email, please provide your name and institution. 

Submission are due by May 31st, 2024. We intent to send out invitations by June 19th.