Kay Axhausen (ETH Zurich)

Accessibility, mobility tools (and some LUTI models)
The equilibrium solutions of the embedded transport models are a typical bottleneck of LUTI models, so simplified approaches have a great appeal, especially as better interpolations. The talk will report on the ETH experiences with fully specified models, but then focus on a simplified approach, as it was chosen for www.falc-sim.org. The second part will address the key enabler of residential outmigration the question of season ticket and car ownership. The model will account for the interaction between the tools.
Kay Axhausen is Professor of Transport Planning at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich. Currently, he focuses on the microsimulation of daily travel behaviour and long-term mobility choices and the response of the land-use system to those choices [Website].
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