Patricia Mokhtarian (Georgia Institute of Technology)

(How) Can We Improve the Behavioral Realism of Large-Scale Land Use/Transportation Models?
Our ability to understand and predict behavior is severely hampered by the absence from our models of a major class of variables that has been demonstrated as vital to nearly every decision individuals make -- specifically, attitudes (including opinions, feelings, preferences, perceptions, lifestyle orientations, and personality). Several factors have prevented the incorporation of attitudes into large-scale travel-demand forecasting models, including challenges associated with measuring them in traditional travel behavior surveys, and a current inability to forecast them effectively. In this talk, I suggest some feasible approaches to overcoming these barriers; my team is currently engaged in testing several of them.
Patricia Mokhtarian is Professor in Transportation Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. Her interests focus on the impacts of land use on travel behavior (particularly including residential location and residential self-selection issues) and the impacts of telecommunications technology on travel behavior [Website].
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