Kai Nagel (Technical University Berlin)

Using MATSim as a travel model plugin to SILO: Why this time we will get it right
Michael Wegener will talk, in part, about experiences with ILUMASS, an early "agent-based" ILUT project.
From my own perspective, the next attempt, 10 years later, was to use our own MATSim as a travel model plug-in to UrbanSim. I would say that we were largely successful, but there are still critical elements, including the fact that the "old" urbansim is no longer around, and in consequence also matsim4urbansim is gone.
Our current attempt, as already described by Rolf Moeckel, is with SILO and MATSim. I will describe the advances in technology since matsim4urbansim, and how the lucky co-incidence that both SILO and MATSim are written in the same programming language does not only help with programming, but also with deployment.
I will then speculate how we might (or not) overcome the programming language/deployment barriers between, say, SILO/MATSim and XTMF.
Finally, I will argue that "mature" plug-ins such as MATSim can come with an array of environmental and other analysis modules. This brings about the question how much progress can be achieved by project integration, and in which situations one is better off to re-implement.
Kai Nagel is full professor for "Transport systems planning and transport telematics" at the Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany. He was trained in physics and climate research, and holds a Ph.D. in informatics from University of Cologne, Germany. He worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, from 1995 to 1999, at ETH Zürich from 1999 to 2004, and holds his current post since 2004 [Website].
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