Peter Vovsha, Jim Hicks, Rosella Picado* (WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff)
*presenting author
Integrating the Atlanta Activity-Based Model with Land Use and Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models
This presentation will describe on-going efforts to integrate the Atlanta Activity-Based Model (ARC ABM) with the PECAS land use model, and with a Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) model. On the land use side, ARC ABM takes employment projections from PECAS as part of its inputs, and returns accessibility measures to PECAS once it forecasts travel demand. On the highway assignment side, a deep integration is underway where highway level of service metrics for the demand model are “skimmed” from individual vehicle trajectories simulated by DTA. The demand model tracks persons in time and space as it simulates trip making for an entire day. Multiple feedback iterations are performed to ensure (a) schedule consistency for every person with a minimum of infeasible schedules, and (b) stability of the aggregate level of service predictions.
Dr. Rosella Picado is a senior modeler at WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, based in Seattle, WA. While she has worked on a wide range of transportation models, she is particularly known for design, implementation and application of activity-based models.
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