Best Presentation Awards 2020

The TRB Section on Travel Analysis Methods (ADB00) is proud to honor one or two presentations at the Doctoral Workshop with the Best Presentation Awards. In 2020, two awards were presented:

  • Yongqiu Zhu from Delft Univ. of Technology for her presentation on "Passenger-Oriented Timetable Rescheduling in Railway Disruption Management" (Adviser: Dr. Rob M.P. Goverde)
  • Rejitha Nath Ravindra from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia for her presentation on "Improving Multi-modal Public Transport Timetable Coordination: A Holistic Approach" (Adviser: Dr. Mark Wallace)

The awards will presented at the Transportation Network Modeling Committee (ADB30) meeting at Annual Meeting of TRB in January 2021.