Increasing the capacity of urban road networks
Project description
The study "Increasing the capacity of urban road networks", which is part of the Research Program Urban Transport (FoPS) on behalf of the BMVI, deals with the effects of automated and connected road traffic on the capacity of urban road networks. Against the background of the increasing automation of road traffic, traffic models are to be adapted and new construction, extension and reconstruction projects in urban road networks evaluated.
In detail, the project comprises three main areas of work. First, we will analyze the existing national and international literature on relevant topics. This includes the modelling and characteristics of automated and connected vehicles, the effects of automated and connected vehicles on traffic parameters, and plausible future scenarios for automated and networked traffic. The second step aims at the estimation of correction factors for existing standards. This is based on the identification of representative infrastructure elements, the comparison with real infrastructure elements, the identification of representative urban arterial roads, and finally the modeling and simulation of the identified elements. Based on this, recommendations for action are then developed, which can be applied by experts in practice to estimate the effects of automated and connected vehicles on urban road network capacities. These recommendations for action should support municipal planning offices, planning engineers and traffic development planners in estimating the effects of automated and connected traffic on the infrastructure.
Activities of the chair
- Continuous literature analysis
- Traffic modelling
- Development of recommendations for action