Bicycle Simulator

Within UR:BAN a bicycle simulator has been developed that is presented here.

Previous Research:

  1. A prototype of the bicycle simulator was displayed at the UR:BAN final presentation:
    • Stationary simulator
    • The direction of the simulator is determined by measuring the angle of the handle bars
    • The speed is measured using magnets on the back wheel of the bicycle
    • Traffic simulation and the 3D graphical representation of the situation with the VISSIM driving simulator

Development Goals:

  1. Improvement of the hardware of the simulator to create a realistic riding experience (e.g. 3D motion of the bicycle and extended field of view).
  2. Improvement of the 3D graphical representation and the connection with the traffic simulation to realistically simulate both the behaviour of other road users as well as the interactions between road users.

Research Goals:

  1. Study of the reactions of bicyclists to systems and scenarios that are not yet ready to implement and test in reality.
  2. Examination of the differences in behaviour between different road users.

Heather Twaddle will gladly answer your questions.