Aniemeka, Chukwumerem: Classification and Clustering of Cyclist Behavior in Bicycle Simulator Studies. Study Project. Mentoring: Lindner, Zheng.
Abeysinghe, Sonali: The Effects of a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) on Urban Traffic-Related Emissions in Glasgow City, United Kingdom. Study Project. Mentoring: Ilic, Waldorf.
Bekhzonov, Bekzhon: Microscopic Simulation of Dynamic Reversible Lanes for Urban Roads. Study Project. Mentoring: Malcolm, Karalakou.
Buitron Soto, Santiago: Evaluation of different urban mobility forms in Munich using comparative life cycle assessment. Study Project. Mentoring: Ilic, Fehn.
Chatterjee, Soumya: Perception Modelling of Autonomous Vehicles using Moving Observer Method. Study Project. Mentoring: Ilic, Pechinger.
Karlitschek, Florian: Development of a dashboard for the automated evaluation of traffic data. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dr. Kessler.
Klopstock, Nicole: Investigation and evaluation of the disturbance vulnerability of links in a suburban rail network on the example of Munich S-Bahn. Study Project. Mentoring: Bachmann, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Merk, Lea: Estimating the vehicle and person kilometers traveled in sports leagues and evaluation of possible effects of a change in league format. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Fehn.
Muman, Muntasir: Literature review and comparison of macroscopic or microscopic emission models for urban transport. Study Project. Mentoring: Ilic, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Sailer, Anton: Literature review and sensitivity analysis of microscopic emission models for urban transport. Study Project. Mentoring: Ilic, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Schmidt, Katia Juliane: Development of an adaptive bus priority procedure in urban road networks. Study Project. Mentoring: Sautter, Margreiter.
Schäffner, Peter: Investigation of Traffic Flow Stabilization Measures by Connected and Automated Vehicles. Study Project. Mentoring: Stüger, Kutsch, Metzger.
Spindler, Robin: Assessment of economic performance and trade-offs of different modes of public transport. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dr. Dandl.
Stein, Sebastian: Development of a Life Cycle Cost and Emission Assessment Model for different Types of Ride Pooling Vehicles. Study Project. Mentoring: Fehn, Ilic.
Stern, Benedikt: Literature review and comparison of emission levels of microscopic and macroscopic traffic models for urban transport. Study Project. Mentoring: Ilic, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Yamamoto, Shota: Traffic data visualization on a 3D-printed city model. Study Project. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Keler, Dr. Takayasu.
Barche, Melanie: Empirical analysis of incident messages in public transportation systems using the example of MVG. Study Project. Mentoring: Bachmann, Dandl.
Chan, Cheuk Yin: Microscopic Simulation Studies for the Assessment of Urban Traffic Control based on a Multimodal Performance Index. Study Project. Mentoring: Sautter, Dr. Kessler.
Faizi, Asadullah: Visualization of traffic demand based on inductive loop data. Study Project. Mentoring: Sautter, Kutsch.
Lesniewicz, Szymon: How does public transport affect the real estate market?. ProjektVTP. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Blum.
Sari, Rahmi Puspita: Development of an Emission and Life Cycle Assessment Model for different Types of Ride Pooling Vehicles. Study Project. Mentoring: Fehn, Ilic.
Sekardani, Merindha: The Impact of Ridehailing Stop Locations on Traffic Performance. Study Project. Mentoring: Stüger, Fehn.
Bachir, Hussein: Analysis of the MVG timetable data (GTFS) - comparison on selected days. ProjektVTP. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Amini.
Barquero Herrera, Camila: Visualization of socio-economic, demographic and structural data for the urban area of Munich. Study Project. Mentoring: Hamm.
Khandelwal, Rachit: Evaluation of electricity prices and taxi data against the background of an optimized charging strategy for electric fleets. Study Project. Mentoring: Fehn.
Kunz, Andreas: Calibration and Validation of a Microscopic Traffic Simulation in an Urban Scenario Using Loop Detector Data. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Amini.
Rahman, Md. Manjurur: Comparative Evaluation of Fixed-Time Traffic Control and Traffic-Actuated Control in a SUMO network using the CROSSIG-SUMO-Interface. Study Project. Mentoring: Ilic, Sautter.
Rashid, Sameera: Design of Traffic Control Measures for the Prioritization of Bicyclists and the Evaluation thereof with Microscopic Traffic Simulation – a Case Study on Dachauer Straße. Study Project. Mentoring: Malcolm, Grigoropoulos.
Sayed, Abu: Developing a regression model for the public transport demand at intersections. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Sautter.
Sunny, Morshedul: International market analysis on the state of the art of the currently used traffic signal control methods. ProjektVTP. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Spangler.
Wanitschek, Laura: Comparison of BIM and GIS by means of modelling of traffic impacts which emerge during the material supply and removal at the DTK. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Keler.
Gester, Hannah: Data-based evaluation of the impact of the Corona pandemic on the composition of urban traffic in Munich (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Fehn, Bachmann.
Hanssen Marquez, Hillary: Creation of an overview of VTOL providers and their aircraft incl. all available technical parameters and typologies (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Lippoldt, Peksa.
Huttard, Ranjana: International market analysis of state of the art sensors for traffic signal control (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Stüger.
Klier, Rebecca: Conception and implementation of an online survey with the question “What is congestion/traffic jam?”. Study Project. Mentoring: Metzger, Margreiter.
Knößlsdorfer, Nadine: Study on the combination of wall-boxes and photovoltaic systems in private electric mobility. Study Project. Mentoring: Fehn, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Melaky, Ossama: Current possibilities for observing the traffic situation with aerial drones. Study Project. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Merrath, Thomas: Design and Implementation of Simulator Scenarios for interconnected Bicycle-Vehicle Simulator Studies. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos, Malcolm.
Mohd Faizan Parvez: Development of an automated verification process of possible turnings at intersections in SUMO. Study Project. Mentoring: Tilg, Amini.
Mussack, Dominik: The Impact of Public Transport Stop Locations on Public Transport and Private Traffic Performance. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Stüger.
Späth, Alina: The employee mobility budget: Potentials and challenges of a new corporate mobility management concept (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Niels, Glöckl.
Wiedemann, Alexandra: Modeling of a part of the highway network in the north of Munich with ptv VISSIM. Study Project. Mentoring: Amini, Metzger.
Zihad, Mohammad: Preparation of a questionnaire survey for investigating countdown timers for intergreen time intervals (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler.
Bernthaler, Vanessa: Analysis of the Platform for Mobility Data of Augsburg regarding Traffic State. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Blachnik, Niklas: Identification and systematization of fuzzy sets in rules of the road (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Krause.
Dang, Viviane: Literature review and evaluation of the state of the art of current driving simulators. Study Project. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Erpf, Jakob: Statistic congestion analysis tool – definition of key values and creation of database requests routines. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Metzger.
Kronester, Verena: Design of a concept for evaluating the effects of a truck parking management system. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Lindner, Johannes: Extraction of driving situations from sensor data of a mobile device (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Krause.
Rahman, Md Azizur: Analysis of vehicle trajectories for the quantification of critical urban driving scenarios. Study Project. Mentoring: Krause.
Raihan, Muminul: Analysis of the Effects of Bicycle Traffic on Traffic Flow Efficiency in Microscopic Traffic Simulation. Study Project. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Kaths.
Bisas, Dimitrios: Development and calibration of dynamic traffic assignment model for western part of Munich’s ring road. Study Project. Mentoring: Amini, Celikkaya.
Dinar, Yousuf: Traffic Signal Coordination with LISA+ and VISSIM. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Durner, Alexander: Simulative impact assessment of autonomous shuttle buses. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Freimoser, Christian: Evaluation of traffic accident data in Switzerland in the context of autonomous driving. Study Project. Mentoring: Krause, Fehn.
Gackstetter, David: Design and implementation of a visual analytics framework for car sharing data. Study Project. Mentoring: Gabloner.
Grigorenko, Denis: Current development of carpool systems (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Dumler.
Heilgemair, Kilian: Development of a prediction tool for use in the logistics of the restaurant chain “Dean & David” to reduce delivery traffic. Study Project. Mentoring: Gabloner.
Held, Marius: Potential of Speed Advisory Equipment to Reduce Air Pollution. Study Project. Mentoring: Celikkaya.
Kiefl, Johannes: Framework for the Evaluation of Test Areas for First Field Tests With an Automated Shuttle. Study Project. Mentoring: Fehn, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Kreß, Hannah: Improving a simulated street network and a test track environment in SUMO. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Mehlstäubler, Katharina: Agent-based modelling of transport in rural areas with a disperse settlement structure: A case study for the district of Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge. Study Project. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Petkov, Adrian: Preparation of an Overview of the Green City Master Plans for Air Pollution Control - Sustainable and Emission-free Mobility Measures and Concepts (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Celikkaya.
Pries, Anna: Development of a Tool for the Analysis of Driver‘s Visibility Urban Driving Situations. Study Project. Mentoring: Krause.
Ramesh Prabhu, Ayashwarya: Optimization of sensor distances for automatic incident detection on motorways. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Reichert, Max: GIS-based Analysis of Mobility and Accessibility in Rural Areas. Study Project. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Rosenfeld, Oliver: Traffic Data Collection for the Microscopic Traffic Simulation of a Bicycle Highway (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler.
Ruf, Constanze: Implementation of special traffic control strategies in microscopic traffic simulation (SUMO) for bicycle traffic. Study Project. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler.
Schießl, Johannes: Development and calibration of simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model: Case study of eastern part of Munich’s ring road. Study Project. Mentoring: Amini.
Shoman, Maged: Agent-based modelling of transport in rural with a regional centre: A case study for the district of Hof and the city of Hof. Study Project. Mentoring: Tilg, Amini, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Speth, Carolin: Analysis of the explicit communication behavior of bicycle traffic based on video data. Study Project. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler.
Arman, Hilal: Market analysis of electric vehicles and their product specifications (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Motamedidehkordi.
Aziz, Md Tariq: Generating a microscopic traffic flow simulation network in PTV VISSIM, based on an existing macroscopic simulation (Master EEI-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Celikkaya.
Bertinelli, Liza: Parking Space Analysis and Management in the City of Esch-sur-Alzette (LU) - (Master EE-Study Project). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Blakaj, Laura: Chances and challenges of electrification of heavy duty vehicles in terms of economic and ecological aspects. Study Project. Mentoring: Celikkaya.
Bruhn, Adrian: Analysis and Visualization of Traffic Accident Data (Master EE-Study Project). Study Project. Mentoring: Krause.
Gama Lins de Araujo, Thais: Implementation of an External Driving Behavior Model in Microscopic Traffic Simulation Tool. Study Project. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi.
Grimmer, Florian: Generating a microscopic traffic flow simulation network in PTV VISSIM, based on an existing macroscopic simulation (Master EEI-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou.
Ilic, Mario: A Technical Comparison of Different Types of Sensor Technologies for Local Detection of Traffic Data at Signalized Intersections. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Klasa, Inna: Literature research towards the usage of car sharing in cities (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Gabloner.
Mencucci, Lynn: Literature review and exemplary implementation of traffic control strategies for bicycle traffic at bicycle highways. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos.
Mönch, Sven: Sensitivity analysis of Vissim driving behavior parameters for the simulation of automated vehicles (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi.
Neubauer, Nina: Analysis of traffic incidents on the Bavarian federal freeway network using radio-based detection of individual vehicles (Master EE-12 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Prasetya, Muhammad: Development of an Evaluation Tool for Modelling with Microscopic Traffic Simulation Software (IDP: Master Informatik). Study Project. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Kaths.
Pukhova, Alona: Data analysis and evaluation of the historic trends of vehicle equipment rates with Bluetooth devices for segment-based traffic data acquisition (Master EE-12 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Rampf, Felix: Evaluation of different bicycle trainers regarding their suitability for building a bicycle simulator (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Kaths.
Roshani Kalkhoran, Amirhossein: Simulation and impact assessment of automated shuttle buses in new city quarter Gartenfeld (Berlin) (Master EE-Study Project). Study Project. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi.
Schienbein, Tamara: International Literature Review on Noise Pollution Regulations Focusing on Road Transport (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Celikkaya.
Shaon, Ariful Hoque: Statistical Analysis of Air Pollutant Concentrations at Measurement Stations in Munich and Affecting Factors by Using Historical Data (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Celikkaya.
Veit, Julian: Analysis of routing concepts for autonomous shuttle buses. Study Project. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi.
Fehn, Fabian: Erstellung einer interaktiven Datenbank zur Bereitstellung von marktspezifischen Besonderheiten für die BMW AG (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Heidingsfelder, Chris: Extrapolation of traffic related impacts - theory and practice (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Köhler, Olivia: Development of fundamental diagrams for urban motorised traffic in Munich (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Grigoropoulos.
Noack, Florian: Analysis and Visualization of Real Traffic Data from API using OpenLR (IDP: Master Informatik). Study Project. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou.
Plutka, Christoph: Assessment of suitability of virtual transport networks for determining traffic related impacts (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Celikkaya.
Alalem, Shaker: Assess the impact of signal control on the spatially disaggregated emission distribution (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou.
Schuhmacher, Sarah: Literature rechsearch "Review of non-European research of cooperative transportation systems" (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Kaths.
Bezjak, Stefani: Analysis of the distribution of signalized intersections in German cities (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Dietrich, Johann: Practical application of planning, design and quality management of traffic signal systems. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Gerstenberger.
Dominguez Soria, Luis Carlos: Building and Operating Railway Stations-Building and Quality Control (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Gigl, Andrea: Construction und implementation of a micro simulation using the example of the city Göttingen (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Parlic, Aldijana: Quality/Quality assurance of FCD. Study Project. Mentoring: Jakob.
Raps, Anna: Determining traffic impacts of different driver assistance functions using microscopic traffic simulation (15Cr/EE). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Gerstenberger, Geßenhardt.
Sperber, Toni: Simulation study assessment of the Level of Service (LOS) with PTV Vissim (15Cr/EE). Study Project. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou.
Steurer, Tobias: Networks and network devices - an analysis of German and international guidelines (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Sulzinger, Mario: Construction und implementation of a macro simulation using the example of the city Göttingen (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Vavelidou, Anastasia: Construction und implementation of a micro simulation using the example of the city Kassel (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Demmel, Tatjana: Surveying and Estimation of Travel demand to the airport of Coburg (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Hollfelder, Verena: Construction und implementation of a micro simulation using the example of the city Dusseldorf (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Honigl, Eva-Maria: Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit des Schulweges in der Josef-Frankl-Straße. Study Project. Mentoring: Gerstenberger.
Leipold, Michaela: Literaturrecherche: Verwendung von V2X-Technologien im Bereich der Lichtsignalanlagensteuerung (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Kaths.
Staudigl, Nino: Internationale Literaturrecherche zur Beeinflussung des Wetters auf das Verkehrsgeschehen (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Rascher.
Wenzel, Marc: Identification of safety impacts of different driver assistance systems by using micro simulation (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Obermeier, Julia: FCD-based quantification of travel time losses and congestion related emissions on Bavarian motorways (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Ye, Rongqi: Emissionsanalyse der Amones-Befahrungen in den Testfeldern Bremerhaven und Hamburg. Study Project. Mentoring: Lüßmann.
Böhm, Carolina-Diana: Modelling and Simulation of ITS and Evaluation of the System's Performance in Terms of Emissions and Traffic Quality for Cars (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Daniel Patricia: Übersicht zur Nutzung von Extended Floating Car Data (xFCD). Study Project. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Deimann, Sandra: Vorbereitung einer Anforderungsanalyse für den Betrieb eines Dienstes zur Mobilitätsunterstützung für Blinde und Sehbehinderte. Study Project. Mentoring: Monninger.
Ettinger, Roland: Verkehrsmanagementstrategien an der Allianz-Arena während Bundesligaspielen - am Beispiel des 15.10.2011. Study Project. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Imhof, Harald: Einfluss der temporären Seitenstreifenfreigabe auf den Verkehrsfluss - Detailanalyse. Study Project. Mentoring: Fiedler, Grosanic.
Löhr, Edina: Economic valuation of noise: Literature review and survey design (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Gerike.
Qi, Pan: Überblick über Smartphone-Applikationen zur Fahrerunterstützung im Individualverkehr. Study Project. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Rubio, Estrella Berenice Garmendia: Modelling and Simulation of ITS and Evaluation of the Public Transport System's Performance in Terms of Traffic Efficiency (Master EE-15 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Scheckel, Eric: Mobilitätskonzepte für das Jahr 2030 (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr). Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Weger, Ludwig: Analyse von Sicherheitswirkungen der Car-2-X-Funktion Elektronisches Bremslicht unter Berücksichtigung der Ereignisposition. Study Project. Mentoring: Baur.
Chen, Chao: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten kooperativer Systeme im Verkehr - technische und wirtschaftliche Betrachtung. Study Project. Mentoring: Schendzielorz.
Horvath, Edit Szilvia: Übersicht über Verkehrsbeeinflussungssysteme in Deutschland. Study Project. Mentoring: Fiedler, Grosanic.
Kretz, Hanna: Überprüfung der Qualität von Niederschlagssensoren bei kritischen Umfeldbedingungen. Study Project. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Recker, Christina: Überprüfung der Qualität von Sichtweitensensoren bei kritischen Umfeldbedingungen. Study Project. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Wang, Minyi: Graphische Darstellung und Aufbereitung der Ergebnisse aus den Plausibilitätsprüfungen [nach Hinweispapier, 2010] für Umfelddaten. Study Project. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Margreiter, Martin: Vergleichende Bewertung des Angebots und der Marketingstrategien von Fahrerassistenzsystemen der Hersteller Audi, BMW, Mercedes und Lexus. Study Project. Mentoring: Bogenberger, Grosanic.
Steger, Maximilian: Aufbau eines Schulbusnetzes und Auswertung der Verbindungsqualiät für die Schüler der Vechtetal-Schule in Nordhorn. Study Project. Mentoring: Monninger.
Tewes, Christoph: Untersuchung der nachfragetechnischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen ÖPNV und Fahrrad im Zubringerverkehr zu S-Bahnstationen. Study Project. Mentoring: Monninger.
Ungureana, Tudor: Kalibrierung und Validierung des Sichtweitentools zur automatischen Auswertung von WebCam-Bildern zur Sichtweitenermittlung. Study Project. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Zhang, Yimin: Aufbau eines intermodalen VISSIM-Simulationsnetzes für ein städtisches Kerngebiet zur Abbildung verschiedener Szenarien der ÖPNV-Priorisierung. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Miller, Florian: Untersuchung und Bewertung unterschiedlicher Semesterticket-Modelle am Beispiel der Technischen Universität München. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Palici, Mircea: Entwicklung eines automatisierten Verfahrens zur Kalibrierung von Induktivschleifendetektoren für das "Verfahren zur Wiedererkennung von Fahrzeugen (VWF)". Study Project. Mentoring: Maier.
Wang, Xiaoyu: Überblick über bestehende Methoden zur Erkennung eines Fahrstreifenwechsels aus dynamischen Fahrzeugdaten. Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Braun.
Eder, Alexander: Analyse einer fiktiven Signalsteuerung auf einem Teilstück des Frankfurter Rings durch Simulation. Study Project. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Schlotter, Christian: Konfliktanalyse bei Freigabe der Linksabbieger im Vorlauf am Beispiel des Knotenpunkts Frankfurter Ring/Knorrstraße. Study Project. Mentoring: Monninger, Schendzielorz.
Zellner, Alois: Test von potentiellen Standorten für Fahrzeugwiedererkennung. Study Project. Mentoring: Spangler.