Yesterday our Research Group Test Fields and Simulators has received our new research vehicle for our test field in Taufkirchen/Ottobrunn by the BMW…
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Last week, we celebrated the successful completion of the KIVI project (Artificial Intelligence in Ingolstadt's Transportation System). Running for…
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We are pleased to announce that our colleague, Fabian Fehn, participated in this year's "UBA Forum mobil & nachhaltig" of Umweltbundesamt - German…
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Isabella Waldorf, researcher at the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control, received the third prize of the Heureka Student Award at heureka'24 in…
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After so many exciting news from the TRBAM in Washington, we are more than motivated to work with our new sensor e-scooter! 🛴
Equipped with several…
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For outstanding work in the field of operation and maintenance, the paper "Modeling Vehicle Flocking in Lane-Free Automated Traffic" by the Chair of…
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This week we Topping Out Ceremony (German: Richtfest) of the construction site of our Open Bavarian Test Bed for Intelligent Mobility Concepts in…
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Yesterday, Klaus Bogenberger and Martin Margreiter were visiting the construction site of our new Open Bavarian Test Bed for Intelligent Mobility…
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Last week we had the pleasure and honor to have our former colleague Jaehyun (Jason) So as a guest at our chair of traffic engineering and control.…
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