Our Professor Klaus Bogenberger will take part in the discussion "Clean air for livable cities" on 17.12.2020. The event will be held virtually by…
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With regard to the medium and long-term planning and development of the transportation network and spatial development, the role of automated driving…
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Today the virtual Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation (ISTS) starts. The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control will be present with…
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We are very pleased to announce that we have successfully applied for a new research project. The project called KIVI will develop data-driven…
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At the SUMO User Conference 2020 (https://www.eclipse.org/sumo/conference/), which takes place online, the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is…
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The Chair for Traffic Engineering and Control has presented the following papers at the hybrid (virtual and presence) European Working Group on…
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The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control presented following papers at the IEEE-ITSC conference 2020 (www.ieee-itsc2020.org), which was held…
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