The deadline for the 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport – mobil.TUM 2020 taking place in Singapore was extended until…
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We gladly announce our collaboration with Prof. Markos Papageorgiou and his team from the Technical University of Crete. Prof. Papageorgiou has…
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The World Road Federation's new cycle starts this week in Paris. As the German representative, our colleague Martin Margreiter participates in the…
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At this year’s TRB several of our colleagues presented their work on bicycle traffic, automated transportation and shared mobility, aviation, ITS,…
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With the turn of the year, the chair of traffic engineering and control is also facing a change of leadership. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Busch is leaving…
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Research from the Bicycle Traffic and Active Mobility group at the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control was featured on "Gut zu wissen" on…
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Auch in diesem Semester gibt es wieder interessante Vorträge, diesmal zum Rahmenthema "Flugtaxis und andere Visionen zur Lösung von Verkehrsproblemen…
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Next to our chairholder Prof. Fritz Busch, several other co-workers including Antonios Tsakarestos and Martin Margreiter are regularly visiting…
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The 1st World Congress for Self-Driving Transport took place on 15-16 October in Dubai. Our chairholder Prof. Fritz Busch was a member of the…
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