
On October 2, two of our colleagues, Nassim Motamedidehkordi and Zain Ul-Abedin, successfully defended their doctoral thesis. Traditionally, both…

This year's mobil.TUM took place from 11 - 13 September. Exciting lectures by international researchers and an excellent organisation led to a…

A new publication by Eftychios Papapanagiotou and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Busch examines the potential benefits of improving limited connected vehicle…

The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control was represented at this year's hEART conference in Budapest by Sabine Krause, Sasan Amini, Gabriel Tilg…

The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is present at the ITS European Congress 2019 in Eindhoven! Florian Noack will present his web application…

The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control will be present at the MT-ITS 2019 (6th International Conference on Models and Technologies for…

Auch in diesem Semester gibt es wieder interessante Vorträge, diesmal zum Rahmenthema "Active Mobility – Neue Mobilitätsformen erobern die Stadt". …

Currently, the meeting of the Technical Committee TC B.1 of the World Road Association PIARC with our colleague Martin Margreiter is taking place in…

InnovaCity is a challenge-based learning opportunity for professionals from Cities, Start-ups and Corporates. It is a collaboration from the Cities of…

This year's English seminar came to an end last Saturday and we look back on a fantastic week of knowledge sharing and improving our English skills.…