Last week, the project "Optimized transport system based on autonomous driving electric vehicles" (OTS 1.0) successfully completed. We truly thank our…
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The Bavarian Minister of Science, Professor Marion Kiechle, yesterday awarded our colleague Heather Kaths the prize for outstanding university degrees…
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Auch in diesem Semester gibt es wieder interessante Vorträge, diesmal zum Rahmenthema "Wechselwirkungen zwischen Tourismus und Mobilität".
Beginn der…
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The final project presentation of LLCM – TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility will take place on November 8th 2018 at Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich.…
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Last Friday a ceremony was held in honor of our Professor Dr.-Ing. Fritz Busch on the occasion of his official retirement. We are very happy that he…
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The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is represented as a partner in three new projects. The project "EasyRide" (Fabian Fehn) deals with…
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Countdown timers are designed to help cyclists tactically adjust their speed and avoid stops at signalized intersection approaches. As part of the…
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Prof. Busch composed the editorial of the last issue of the journal Straßenverkehrstechnik. In doing so, he sheds light on the topic of digital…
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The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is very pleased that an alumnus and an employee of the chair were awarded special honors last Friday.…
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The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is very happy to have been part of this years mobil.TUM at the "Gaszählerwerkstatt" in Munich. We are…
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