
The Bavarian Minister of Science, Professor Marion Kiechle, yesterday awarded our colleague Heather Kaths the prize for outstanding university degrees…

Auch in diesem Semester gibt es wieder interessante Vorträge, diesmal zum Rahmenthema "Wechselwirkungen zwischen Tourismus und Mobilität". Beginn der…

The final project presentation of LLCM – TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility will take place on November 8th 2018 at Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich.…

Last Friday a ceremony was held in honor of our Professor Dr.-Ing. Fritz Busch on the occasion of his official retirement. We are very happy that he…

The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is represented as a partner in three new projects. The project "EasyRide" (Fabian Fehn) deals with…

Countdown timers are designed to help cyclists tactically adjust their speed and avoid stops at signalized intersection approaches. As part of the…

Prof. Busch composed the editorial of the last issue of the journal Straßenverkehrstechnik. In doing so, he sheds light on the topic of digital…

The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is very pleased that an alumnus and an employee of the chair were awarded special honors last Friday.…

The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control is very happy to have been part of this years mobil.TUM at the "Gaszählerwerkstatt" in Munich. We are…

The white paper resulting from the mobil.TUM2017 workshop on the topic of digitalization and ITS is now available for download. Many thanks to all…