
Our former colleague Silja Hoffmann and our current colleague Martin Margreiter start another spin-off of the Chair of Traffic Engineering and…

Soon it will be time again - the mobil.TUM 2018 conference will take place on June 13 and 14. This year, the scientific conference will be held in the…

The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control welcomes the Technical Committee B.1 of the World Road Association PIARC on May 3 and 4 at the Technical…

The Streetlife Festival in Munich once again focuses on how to make public space more creative and more beautiful. Under the motto "Green City"…

Next to accident prevention, the ADAC Foundation is also involved with mobility research. In this context, the foundation offers an innovation…

This semester there will again be interesting talks. This semester's topic is "Mobilität auf dem Land und in der Region". Please mind, that most talks…

To the job offer...

Wir laden Sie herzlich zur 2. TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility Jahresveranstaltung am Donnerstag, 30. November 2017 um 15:30 Uhr ins FMI Gebäude,…

"Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together" – International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport What will happen to urban mobility in…

The programme for winter term 2017/18 is available! Again, we found interesting speakers who will present exciting topics. More information …