The white paper resulting from the mobil.TUM2017 workshop on the topic of digitalization and ITS is now available for download. Many thanks to all…
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Our former colleague Silja Hoffmann and our current colleague Martin Margreiter start another spin-off of the Chair of Traffic Engineering and…
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Soon it will be time again - the mobil.TUM 2018 conference will take place on June 13 and 14. This year, the scientific conference will be held in the…
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The Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control welcomes the Technical Committee B.1 of the World Road Association PIARC on May 3 and 4 at the Technical…
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The Streetlife Festival in Munich once again focuses on how to make public space more creative and more beautiful. Under the motto "Green City"…
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Next to accident prevention, the ADAC Foundation is also involved with mobility research. In this context, the foundation offers an innovation…
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This semester there will again be interesting talks. This semester's topic is "Mobilität auf dem Land und in der Region". Please mind, that most talks…
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Wir laden Sie herzlich zur 2. TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility Jahresveranstaltung am Donnerstag, 30. November 2017 um 15:30 Uhr ins FMI Gebäude,…
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"Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together" – International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport
What will happen to urban mobility in…
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