At the moment the following positions are open at TUM Create in Singapore:
Research Fellow (Post-Doc) "Pro-active transport management for…
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The TUM LLCM State of the Art Report „Digital Mobility Platforms and Ecosystems“ (218 pages, 16 chapters, numerous figures and references) is now…
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This semester once more a panel discussion was organized in the context of the lecture "Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering Concepts for…
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Interaactive Talk and Discussion with pupils, parents and teachers on „Intelligent Houses and Vehicles - are we automating our whole life?“
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The EuroTech Universities’ Workshop on Big Data in Transport/ITS was held at Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich on May 23 and 24, 2016 and was organized…
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Der Lehrstuhl für Verkehrstechnik veranstaltete am 03.05.2016 in Garching unter der Leitung von Prof. Busch im Rahmen der VSVI-Reihe ein Seminar zum…
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Prof. Fritz Busch gave a talk on April 19 at the BMVI-Expertennetzwerk Wissen – Können – Handeln ( of the Federal…
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The final report phase 10 of the testbed for environmental data is available: Server of ZVM.
Please ask Andrea Haug for login data.
To the project…
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The UR:BAN "Guidelines for Implementation of Cooperative Systems for the Public Sector" are completed and are available for free as an electronic…
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